Night of Champions Brian Hildebrand Tribute
Superstars on the Superstation Supertowns on the Superstation

The Night of Champions

May 29, 1984 in East Rutherford, NJ
The Meadowlands drawing 12,000 ($127,900)
  1. Invader I pinned The Great Kabuki (4.32).

  2. National TV Champ Ronnie Garvin pinned Jake Roberts (6:21).

  3. NWA Junior Heavyweight Champ Les Thornton beat El Gran Apollo (6:02) via countout.

  4. Dusty Rhodes pinned The Assassin (Jesse Barr) (1:30).

  5. NWA Tag Champs Don Kernodle & Ivan Koloff beat Pez Whatley & Mark Youngblood (16:55) when Koloff pinned Whatley.

  6. Wahoo McDaniel DDQ All Japan PWF Champ Stan Hansen.

  7. National Tag Champs The Road Warriors beat King Kong Bundy & Jimmy Valiant (9:03) when Hawk pinned Bundy.

  8. WWC Universal Champ Carlos Colon pinned Tully Blanchard (13:43).

  9. NWA World Champ Ric Flair pinned Ricky Steamboat (34:49).
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Superstars on the Superstation

February 2, 1986 in Atlanta, GA
The Omni drawing 70,000 ($60,000)
Shown February 7, 1986 on TBS (3.2)
  1. Ron Bass drew The Barbarian.

  2. Baron Von Raschke beat Italian Stallion.

  3. Jimmy Valiant beat Arn Anderson via DQ.

  4. The Midnight Express (Eaton & Condrey) beat The Rock-n-Roll Express (17:00) to win the NWA Tag Title when Eaton pinned Morton.

  5. The Road Warriors beat Ivan & Nikita Koloff (6:00) via DQ.

  6. National Champ Dusty Rhodes drew Tully Blanchard (20:00).

  7. NWA World Champ Ric Flair pinned Ronnie Garvin (16:00).
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Supertowns on the Superstation

Shown February 7, 1987 on TBS
  1. Barry Windham pinned Arn Anderson (15:05). This match was taped January 10, 1987 in Philadelphia.

  2. Brad Armstrong beat Jimmy Garvin via DQ. This match was taped January 24, 1987 in Washington D.C.

  3. Central States Tag Champs The MOD Squad beat Brad & Bart Batten when Basher pinned Brad. This match was taped January 30, 1987 in St Louis.

  4. The Rock-n-Roll Express beat Ivan Koloff & Vladimir Petrov via DQ. This match was taped January 16, 1987 in Hollywood, FL.

  5. NWA TV Champ Tully Blanchard DDQ Dusty Rhodes. This match was taped January 28, 1987 in Los Angeles.

  6. NWA World Champ Ric Flair DCO Nikita Koloff in a "no DQ" match. This match was taped January 17, 1987 in Greensboro.

  7. The Road Warriors beat The Midnight Express (Condrey & Eaton) in a "scaffold" match. This match was taped January 29, 1987 in Los Angeles.
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Brian Hildebrand Tribute

November 29, 1998 in Knoxville, TN
Civic Auditorium drawing 4,344
  1. WCW Cruiserweight Champ Billy Kidman beat Disco Inferno.

  2. Alex Wright beat Scotty Riggs.

  3. Bobby Duncum, Jr. beat Barry Darsow.

  4. Wrath beat Meng.

  5. Perry Saturn beat Mike Enos.

  6. Lex Luger & Diamond Dallas Page beat Bryan Adams & Stevie Ray.

  7. Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko beat Chris Jericho & Eddie Guerrero when Benoit forced Jericho to submit.
Guests: Arn Anderson, Kim Anthony, Tony Anthony, Ric Flair, Bobby Heenan, Tim Horner, Tony Schiavone, Sandy Scott, Terry Taylor, Mike Tenay, Les Thatcher, and Larry Zbyszko.

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