Jerry "The King" Lawler
Vol. #1: Wrestling Royalty
Jerry "The King" Lawler
Vol. #2 The Early Years
Jerry "The King" Lawler
Greatest Hits
Madmen, Maniacs, & Lunatics #1 Madmen, Maniacs, & Lunatics #2 Rock & Roll Wrestling MTV (30 Min)
Rock & Roll Wrestling MTV (60 Min) Masters of Mayhem Mayhem in Memphis

Jerry "The King" Lawler
Vol. #1 Wrestling Royalty

06/15/79 Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee vs. Larry Latham & Wayne Ferris (Tupelo concession stand brawl)
04/05/82 Jerry Lawler vs. Andy Kaufmann
1982 Jerry Lawler & Andy Kaufmann on David Letterman
1980s Jerry Lawler fireball highlights
03/23/81 Jerry Lawler vs. Terry Funk
1970s Jerry Lawler video "Bad News"
1980s Jerry Lawler video "The World's Greatest Wrestler"
02/11/85 Jerry Lawler vs. Eddie Gilbert (Jimmy Hart leaves town; Lawler wins Southern Title)
06/25/84 The Road Warriors vs. Austin Idol & Jerry Lawler
See Video Packaging

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Jerry "The King" Lawler
Vol #2: The Early Years

1970s Series of Jerry Lawler interviews
1976 Jerry Lawler vs. Tommy Rich
1976 Jerry Lawler vs. Mike Start angle
1976 Jerry Lawler vs. Rocky Johnson interview
1976 Jerry Lawler vs. Rocky Johnson
1976 Jerry Lawler vs. Rocky Johnson angle
1970s Series of Jerry Lawler & Lance Russell interviews
1973 Jerry Lawler & The Scorpion vs. Jerry Jarrett & Roughhouse Fargo
08/19/76 Jerry Lawler vs. Jack Brisco (Lawler wins Southern Title)
1970s Jerry Lawler vs. Bill Dundee
01/25/74 Jerry Lawler & Tojo Yamamoto vs. The Mummy & Sam Bass
12/76 Jerry Lawler & The Mongolian Stomper vs. Rocky Johnson & Jackie Fargo
1970s Jerry Lawler vs. Bill Dundee
1970s Jerry Lawler vs. Jean Louie (hair vs. hair)
1970s Jerry Lawler video
See Video Packaging

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Jerry "The King" Lawler: Greatest Hits

1970s Jerry Lawler video " I'm Evil"
1982 Jerry Lawler vs. Kimala
1984 Jerry Lawler vs. Randy Savage
1985 Jerry Lawler vs. Rick Martel
1970s Jerry Lawler video " Bound to Lose"
See Video Packaging

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Madmen, Maniac, & Lunatics #1

04/05/82 Jerry Lawler vs. Andy Kaufmann
1982 Jerry Lawler & Andy Kaufmann on David Letterman
1981 Jerry Lawler vs. Terry Funk (empty arena match)
10/10/83 Austin Idol vs. Stan Hansen (bunkhouse match)
1982 Jerry Lawler vs. Kimala
05/02/83 The Fabulous Ones vs. Moondogs Spot & Rex
05/09/83 Stan Lane & Jackie Fargo vs. Moondogs Spot & Rex
1983 The Fabulous Ones vs. Moondogs Spot & Rex
06/20/83 Jerry Lawler vs. Man Mountain Link (Link wins Southern Title)
07/04/83 Jerry Lawler vs. Man Mountain Link (Lawler wins Southern Title)
03/86 Jerry Lawler & Dutch Mantel vs. Bill Dundee & Buddy Landel
07/21/86 The MOD Squad vs. Ken Wayne & Danny Davis
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Madmen, Maniacs, & Lunatics #2

1986 Jonathon Boyd vs. Jeff Jarrett (snake box match)
05/21/84 Jerry Lawler hits Rick Rude's valet Angel
03/88 Jerry Lawler vs. Eddie Gilbert parking lot brawl
06/20/83 Jerry Lawler vs. Man Mountain Link (Link wins Southern Title)
07/04/83 Jerry Lawler vs. Man Mountain Link (Lawler wins Southern Title)
1983 The Fabulous Ones vs. Moondogs Spot & Rex
01/12/87 Jerry Lawler vs. Tommy Rich
01/12/87 Jerry Lawler vs. Austin Idol
03/02/87 Jerry Lawler & Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Austin Idol & Tommy Rich
03/09/87 Jerry Lawler & Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Austin Idol & Tommy Rich
08/18/86 Jeff Jarrett, Pat Tanaka, & Austin Idol vs. Akio Sato, Tarzan Goto, & The Great Kabuki
03/10/86 Jerry Lawler & Dutch Mantel beat Bill Dundee & Buddy Landel
70s/80s Jos LeDuc highlights
1981 Jerry Lawler vs. Terry Funk (empty arena match)
1982 Kimala vignette
1982 Kimala vs. Rick McCord
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Rock & Roll Wrestling Music Television (30 Min)

1980s Adrian Street video "I'm So in Love with Me"
1980s Bruiser Brody video "White Lightning"
1980s Rock-n-Roll Express video "Teenage Rock-n-Roll Riot"
1980s The Fabulous Ones video "Go Fabs Go"
1980s Randy Savage video "Rock Warriors"
1980s Jos LeDuc video "I Wanna Fight"
1980s The Moondogs video "Moondog Blues"
1980s Kamala vignette
1980s "Wrestlers Just Wanna Bust Heads" video
Note: This video contains numerous highlights.
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Rock & Roll Wrestling Music Television (60 Min)

1980s Jimmy Valiant video "714"
1980s Adrian Street video "I'm So in Love with Me"
1980s Bruiser Brody video "White Lightning"
1980s Harley Davidson (Hillbilly Jim) video "Robert E. Lee Broke His Musket on His Knee"
1980s Rock-n-Roll Express video "Teenage Rock-n-Roll Riot"
1980s The Fabulous Ones video "Go Fabs Go"
1980s Randy Savage video "Rock Warriors"
1980s Jos LeDuc video "I Wanna Fight"
1980s The Moondogs video "Moondog Blues"
1980s Kamala vignette
1980s "Grunt! The Wrestling Movie" trailer
1980s "Wrestlers Just Wanna Bust Heads" video
Note: This video contains numerous highlights.
See Video Packaging

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Masters of Mayhem

1985 Jerry Lawler vs. Randy Savage (steel cage match)
07/22/84 Rick Rude vs. Tommy Rich (Rich wins Southern Title)
06/84 The Rock-n-Roll Express vs. Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo
06/25/84 The Road Warriors vs. Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol
07/02/84 Two Ring Battle Royal
1982 Al Snow & Big Boy Williams vs. Ronnie Garvin & Hoot Gibson
01/14/85 The Dirty White Boys vs. The Interns
1980s Debbie Combs vs. Donna Day (2/3 falls)
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Mayhem in Memphis

01/04/87 Austin Idol interview
01/11/87 Jerry Lawler vs. Austin Idol
03/23/87 Jerry Lawler & Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Austin Idol & Tommy Rich (Texas death match)
04/20/87 Jerry Lawler vs. Austin Idol (chain match) (Lawler wins Southern Title)
04/27/87 Jerry Lawler vs. Austin Idol (steel cage hair vs. hair match) (Idol wins Southern Title)
04/27/87 Austin Idol & Tommy Rich interview
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