USWA Unified World Title USWA Southern/USWA Title USWA Texas Title
USWA Junior Hvywt Title USWA Middlweight Title USWA Women's Title
USWA TV Title _ _

USWA Unified World Title

Note: The USWA was not created until August 1989 and that was just a name change for the Dallas end of the promotion. On the December 30, 1989 Memphis TV show it was announced that the Memphis based CWA had merged with the USWA. Up to that point, the title was just referred to as the Unified World Title.

1988/12/13Jerry LawlerChicago, IL
Lawler was AWA World Champ and beat Kerry Von Erich to win World Class Title
Defeated by Dutch Mantel 1989/01/11 in Memphis, TN but the title was returned because referee Ricky Morton was not impartial
Lawler was stripped of AWA World Title 1989/01, but already had a Unified World Title belt made
1989/04/01Master of Pain (Mark Calloway)Memphis, TN
This title change was not recognized in the Dallas end of the territory
Held-up vs. Kerry Von Erich 1989/04/07 in Dallas, TX
Lawler won rematch 1989/04/14 in Dallas, TX
1989/04/24Jerry Lawler [2]Memphis, TN
1989/10/23The Soultaker (Charles Wright)Memphis, TN
This title change was not recognized in the Dallas end of the territory
1989/11/06Jerry Lawler [3]Memphis, TN
1989/12/30King CobraMemphis, TN
1990/01/08Jerry Lawler [4]Memphis, TN
1990/02/26Jimmy ValiantMemphis, TN
This title change was not recognized in the Dallas end of the territory
1990/03/12Jerry Lawler [5]Memphis, TN
1990/04/30Jimmy Valiant [2]Memphis, TN
This title change was not recognized in the Dallas end of the territory
1990/05/05Jerry Lawler [6]Memphis, TN
1990/06/18The SnowmanMemphis, TN
1990/08/27VACANTMemphis, TN
Snowman stripped after no-showing several cards
1990/10/08Jerry Lawler [7]Memphis, TN
Beat Austin Idol in tournament final
1990/11/05Terry FunkMemphis, TN
1991/03/11Jerry Lawler [8]Memphis, TN
1991/07/29Awesome KongMemphis, TN
1991/08/12Jerry Lawler [9]Memphis, TN
1991/08/26The Dragon Master (Gary Masters)Memphis, TN
1991/09/02Jerry Lawler [10]Memphis, TN
1991/11/25KimalaMemphis, TN
1991/12/02Jerry Lawler [11]Memphis, TN
Held-up vs. Kimala 1991/12/07 in Memphis, TN
Kimala won rematch
1991/12/09Kimala [2]Memphis, TN
Held-up vs. Koko B. Ware 1992/02/01 in Memphis, TN
Kimala won rematch 1992/02/10 in Memphis, TN
1992/02/24Koko B. WareMemphis, TN
1992/03/16Kimala [2]Memphis, TN
1992/05/04Jerry Lawler [12]Memphis, TN
1992/06/15Eddie GilbertMemphis, TN
1992/07/13Rick MortonMemphis, TN
1992/07/20Eddie Gilbert [2]Memphis, TN
1992/09/21The Junkyard DogMemphis, TN
1992/10/12Butch ReedMemphis, TN
1992/10/17Todd ChampionMemphis, TN
Awarded title when Reed left the promotion, but Champion was said to have won the title in Cleveland, OH
Champion beat Junkyard Dog for the title 1992/10/20 in Louisville, KY where the Reed switch had not yet been aired
1992/11/02Jerry Lawler [13]Memphis, TN
1992/12/07Koko B. Ware [2]Memphis, TN
1992/12/14Jerry Lawler [14]Memphis, TN
1993/05/03Papa Shango (Charles Wright) [2]Memphis, TN
1993/06/21Owen HartMemphis, TN
1993/07/05Jerry Lawler [15]Memphis, TN
1993/09/13TatankaMemphis, TN
1993/09/20Jerry Lawler [16]Memphis, TN
Pinned Tatanka in an 8-man tag match
Held-up vs. 1993/10/04 vs. Randy Savage in Memphis, TN
Savage won rematch
1993/10/11Randy SavageMemphis, TN
1993/11/20VACANTMemphis, TN
Savage no longer works for the promotion
1993/11/22Jeff JarrettMemphis, TN
Won battle royal
1993/12/20Jerry Lawler [17]Memphis, TN
1994/01/31Eddie Gilbert [3]Memphis, TN
1994/02/07Jerry Lawler [18]Memphis, TN
1994/02/14Eddie Gilbert [4]Memphis, TN
1994/03/25Jerry Lawler [19]Senatobia, MS
1994/07/16Sid ViciousMemphis, TN
Won via forfeit when Lawler was injured
1995/02/06Jerry Lawler [20]Memphis, TN
1995/02/25Bill DundeeMemphis, TN
1995/04/03Razor RamonMemphis, TN
1995/05/01Jerry Lawler [21]Memphis, TN
1995/11/06Ahmed JohnsonMemphis, TN
1995/12/20Jeff Jarrett [2]Tunica, MS
Jarrett injured
1996/03/04Jerry Lawler [22]Memphis, TN
Beat Giant Warrior in tournament final
1996/04/20Jeff Jarrett [3]Memphis, TN
1996/08/18Jerry Lawler [23]West Helena, AR
1996/08/30Sid Vicious [2]Memphis, TN
1996/09/02Jerry Lawler [24]Memphis, TN
1996/10/04Colorado KidJonesboro, AR
1996/11/16Jerry Lawler [25]Memphis, TN
1997/03/15Tank of the Truth Commission (Mike Hallick)Memphis, TN
1997/03/22Jerry Lawler [26]Memphis, TN
1997/04/12King Reginald (Reggie B. Fine)Memphis, TN
1997/04/27Jerry Lawler [27]Memphis, TN
1997/08/08Dutch MantelMemphis, TN
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USWA Southern Title/USWA Title

1990/09Dick Slater
Awarded title
1990/10/06Jeff JarrettNashville, TN
1990/10/29Eddie GilbertMemphis, TN
Gilbert left the promotion
1991/01/14Jeff Jarrett [2]Memphis, TN
Beat Brian Lee in tournament final
Held-up vs. Steve Austin 1991/02/25 in Memphis, TN
Jarrett won rematch 1991/03/09 in Memphis, TN
1991/03/15Tom PritchardDallas, TX
1991/04/08Jeff Jarrett [3]Memphis, TN
1991/05/03Eric EmbryDallas, TX
1991/05/13Bill DundeeMemphis, TN
1991/05/20Eric Embry [2]Memphis, TN
1991/11/04Tom Pritchard [2]Memphis, TN
1991/11/09Eric Embry [3]Memphis, TN
1991/12/02Tom Pritchard [3]Memphis, TN
1991/12/09Eric Embry [4]Memphis, TN
1992/02/08Tom Pritchard [4]Memphis, TN
1992/03/10Dr. Death (Kenny Kendall)Louisville, KY
1992/03/16Jimmy ValiantMemphis, TN
1992/03/23Brian ChristopherMemphis, TN
Held-up vs. Tom Pritchard 1992/04/20 in Memphis, TN
Christopher won rematch 1992/05/04 in Memphis, TN
Held-up vs. Tom Pritchard 1992/06/22 in Memphis, TN
Pritchard won rematch
1992/06/29Tom Pritchard [5]Memphis, TN
1992/07/20Brian Christopher [2]Memphis, TN
1992/07/27Tom Pritchard [6]Memphis, TN
1992/08/03Brian Christopher [3]Memphis, TN
1992/08/10Reno RigginsMemphis, TN
Held-up vs. Brian Christopher 1992/09/14 in Memphis, TN
Christopher won rematch
1992/09/21Brian Christopher [4]Memphis, TN
1992/12/21Jeff Jarrett [4]Memphis, TN
1993/01/11Brian Christopher [5]Memphis, TN
1993/03/01Jeff Jarrett [5]Memphis, TN
1993/05/01Brian Christopher [6]Memphis, TN
1993/06/28Jeff Jarrett [6]Memphis, TN
1993/07/19Vampire Warrior (David Heath)Memphis, TN
1993/08/23Jeff Jarrett [7]Memphis, TN
1993/09/13Tommy RichMemphis, TN
Held-up vs. Jeff Jarrett 1993/09/25 in Memphis, TN
Jarrett won rematch
1993/10/04Jeff Jarrett [8]Memphis, TN
Crush (Bryan Adams) beat Jarrett 1993/11/15 in Memphis, TN but the title was returned to Jarrett
The storyline reason was that Crush used a foreign object to win
The real reason ws that Vince McMahon no longer allowed WWF talent to appear on USWA shows
1993/11/22Buddy LandelMemphis, TN
1993/12/05Brian Christopher [7]
Phantom title change
1994/02/07Doug GilbertMemphis, TN
1994/02/14Brian Christopher [8]Memphis, TN
1994/02/21Doug Gilbert [2]Memphis, TN
1994/02/28Brian Christopher [9]Memphis, TN
1994/03/14Eddie Gilbert [2]Memphis, TN
1994/03/19Brian Christopher [10]Memphis, TN
1994/05/02Doug Gilbert [3]Memphis, TN
1994/05/09Brian Christopher [11]Memphis, TN
1994/06/06Dream MachineMemphis, TN
1994/07/11Brian Christopher [12]Memphis, TN
1994/08/01Doug Gilbert [4]Memphis, TN
1994/09/24VACANTMemphis, TN
Gilbert stripped due to not defending title
1994/10/03Tommy Rich [2]Memphis, TN
Beat Buddy Landel in tournament final
1994/12/05Brian Christopher [13]Memphis, TN
1994/12/19Tommy Rich [3]Memphis, TN
1994/12/31Brian Christopher [14]Memphis, TN
1995/04/03Brian LeeMemphis, TN
Held-up vs. Brian Christopher 1995/04/10 in Memphis, TN
Lee won rematch 1995/04/17 in Memphis, TN
1995/05/13Doug Gilbert [5]Memphis, TN
1995/05/29Brian Christopher [15]Memphis, TN
1995/06/26Billy Jack HaynesMemphis, TN
1995/08/04Brad ArmstrongKnoxville, TN
1995/08/07Billy Jack Haynes [2]Memphis, TN
1995/09/11Brian Christopher [16]Memphis, TN
1995/10/07Jesse James ArmstrongMemphis, TN
1995/10/23Brian Christopher [17]Memphis, TN
Held-up vs. Tex Slazenger 1995/11/13 in Memphis, TN
Slazenger won rematch
1995/11/18Tex SlazengerNashville, TN
Brian Christopher beat Slazenger 1995/11/27 in Memphis, TN but the decision was overturned
1996/01/10Jerry LawlerMemphis, TN
1996/01/13Tommy Rich [4]Memphis, TN
1996/02/14Brian Christopher [18]Memphis, TN
1996/03/25King MabelMemphis, TN
1996/05/20Jerry Lawler [2]Memphis, TN
1996/06/01Brian Christopher [19]Memphis, TN
1996/10/28Macho Warrior Ric HoganMemphis, TN
1996/11/18Brian Christopher [20]Memphis, TN
1996/12/14Wolfie DMemphis, TN
1997/01/01Brian Christopher [21]Memphis, TN
1997/02/09Elijah (Spellbinder)Memphis, TN
1997/03/29Brian Christopher [22]Memphis, TN
1997/06/14Billy Joe TravisMemphis, TN
1997/07/12Spellbinder [2]Memphis, TN
1997/07/13Doomsday (Glen Jacobs)Memphis, TN
1997/09/06Steven DunnMemphis, TN
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USWA Texas Title

Previously known as the World Class Texas Title

1989/08/04PY Chu-Hi (Phil Hickerson)Dallas, TX
Chu-Hi was the reigning World Class Texas champion when the promotion’s name was changed
1989/08/18Eric EmbryDallas, TX
1989/10/05The Punisher (Mark Callaway)Brownsville, TX
1989/10/20Kerry Von ErichDallas, TX
1989/12/15Jerry LawlerDallas, TX
1990/01/05Kerry Von Erich [2]Dallas, TX
1990/05/25Matt BorneDallas, TX
1990/06/01Kerry Von Erich [3]Dallas, TX
Memphis end of territory (keeping the USWA name) split with the Dallas end (going back to the World Class name)
1991/01/25Bill DundeeDallas, TX
Beat Gary Young in tournament final
1991/02/15Eric Embry [2]Dallas, TX
1991/04/05Bill Dundee [2]Dallas, TX
1991/04/12Eric Embry [3]Dallas, TX
1991/05/31Bill Dundee [3]Dallas, TX
1991/06/07Tom PritchardDallas, TX
1991/08/12Lord Humongous (Randy Lewis)Memphis, TN
1991/08/19Tom Pritchard [2]Memphis, TN
1992/02/10Brian ChristopherMemphis, TN
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USWA Junior Heavyweight Title

1990/03Ken Wayne
Billed as champion upon arrival
1990/11/26Danny DavisMemphis, TN
1990/12/26Joseph Magliano (Joey Maggs)Memphis, TN
1991/01/02Danny Davis [2]Memphis, TN
1991/03/08El Grande Pistolero (Gypsy Joe)Dallas, TX
1991/04/23Danny Davis [3]Louisville, KY
1991/08/05Bill DundeeMemphis, TN
1991/08/12Danny Davis [4]Memphis, TN
1991/08/19Bill DundeeMemphis, TN
1991/09/02Danny Davis [5]Memphis, TN
1991/09/12Masaru ToeYokkaichi, Japan
1991/09/19Danny Davis [6]Tokyo, Japan
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USWA Middleweight Title

1993/03/01Jamie DundeeMemphis, TN
Beat Danny Davis in tournament final
1993/03/08Danny DavisMemphis, TN
1993/05/08Wolfie DMemphis, TN
1993/05/15The Master of Terror (Ken Wayne)Memphis, TN
1993/05/24Danny Davis [2]Memphis, TN
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USWA Women's Title

1992/03/02Miss TexasMemphis, TN
Beat The Dirty White Girl in tournament final to become first champion
1992/04/13Lauren DavenportMemphis, TN
1992/04/20Dirty White GirlMemphis, TN
1992/04/27Lauren Davenport [2]Memphis, TN
1992/08/24Miss Texas [2]Memphis, TN
1992/09/21Moondog FifiMemphis, TN
1992/10/16Miss Texas [3]Memphis, TN
1992/11/02Lauren Davenport [3]Memphis, TN
1992/11/23Miss Texas [4]Memphis, TN
1992/12/07Leslie BelangerMemphis, TN
1993/04<Miss Texas [5]
Sherri Martel beat Miss Texas 1993/04/19 in Memphis, TN
However, the title was returned to Miss Texas
1993/08/02Luna VachonMemphis, TN
1994/04Debbie Combs
Billed as champion upon arrival
1995/10<Tasha Simone
1995/11/22Miss Texas [6]Memphis, TN
1996/01/10Lady Satan (Debbie Combs) [2]Memphis, TN
1996/01/15Miss Texas [7]Memphis, TN
1996/04/15SamanthaMemphis, TN
1996/05/20Miss Texas [8]Memphis, TN
1996/11/04Tasha Simone [2]Memphis, TN
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1996/04/13Jesse James ArmstrongMemphis, TN
Won battle royal to become first champ
1996/05/04Tony FalkMemphis, TN
1996/05/18Jesse James Armstrong [2]Memphis, TN
1996/06/10VACANTMemphis, TN
Armstrong lost "loser leaves town" match
1996/06/15Brickhouse BrownMemphis, TN
Beat Bart Sawyer
1996/06/29Wolfie DMemphis, TN
1996/08/31Jamie DundeeMemphis, TN
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