January 3, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,100
- Tony Williams beat Reggie B. Fine.
- Doug Gilbert beat Jeff Gaylord.
- PG-13 NC USWA Tag Champs Todd Morton & Chris Michaels in a "hospital elimination" match. The title was held-up after the match.
- Lauren Davenport & Bert Prentice beat Reggie Fine & Sweet Georgia Brown.
- USWA Unified World Champ Jerry Lawler beat Eddie Gilbert via DQ.
- USWA Champ Brian Christopher beat Buddy Landel.
- Buddy Landel, Killer Kyle, Eddie & Doug Gilbert beat Jerry Lawler, Brian Christopher, & The Rock-n-Roll Express.
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January 10, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,250
- Reggie B. Fine beat Ken Morris.
- Del Rios beat JC Ice (8:29).
- Mike Anthony beat Wolfie D (9:10).
- The Vampire Warrior pinned Tony Williams (5:44).
- Skull Von Crush beat King Cobra (9:56).
- Bert Prentice beat Lee Womack (2nd – 0:58) in a "boxing" match.
- Lauren Davenport beat Sweet Georgia Brown in a "street fight" match.
- Ron & Don Harris beat Todd Morton & Chris Michaels (4:48) to win the USWA Tag Title.
- Steve Keirn beat Tommy Rich (15:39) via DQ.
- Jerry Lawler & Brian Christopher beat Tommy Rich & Doug Gilbert (15:33) via DQ. Steve Keirn was the referee.
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January 17, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,400
- JC Ice pinned Johnny West.
- Jeff Gaylord beat Del Rios.
- Mike Anthony pinned Reggie B. Fine.
- Bert Prentice & Lauren Davenport beat Lee Womack & Sweet Georgia Brown in a "street fight" match.
- USWA Champ Brian Christopher beat Koko B. Ware (12:00) via DQ.
- Moondogs Spot & Rex beat USWA Tag Champs Ron & Don Harris (3:42) via DQ.
- USWA Unified World Champ Jerry Lawler beat Skull Von Crush (12:40) via countout.
- Jerry Lawler & Brian Christopher beat Eddie & Doug Gilbert (16:46) in a "lumberjack" match when Christopher pinned Gilbert.
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January 24, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,000
- Todd Morton beat Ali Ben Khan.
- Del Rios beat Reggie B. Fine.
- Skull Von Crush beat Jeff Gaylord.
- W*ING Junior Heavyweight Champ Mike Anthony beat Koko B. Ware via DQ.
- Moondogs Spot & Rex beat PG-13.
- Ricky & Todd Morton beat Reggie B. Fine & Skull Von Crush.
- Eddie & Doug Gilbert beat Jerry Lawler & Brian Christopher in a "Texas death" match.
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January 31, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing ???
- Reggie B. Fine drew Jeff Gaylord.
- Skull Von Crush beat Del Rios.
- Mike Anthony beat JC Ice.
- Koko B. Ware beat Dutch Mantel.
- Tony Williams & Todd Morton beat PG-13.
- Moondogs Spot & Rex beat The Rock-n-Roll Express to win the USWA Tag Title.
- USWA Champ Brian Christopher beat Doug Gilbert.
- Eddie Gilbert beat Jerry Lawler to win the USWA Unified World Title.
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February 7, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing ???
- Todd Morton beat Reggie B. Fine.
- Del Rios beat Skull Von Crush.
- Koko B. Ware beat Jeff Gaylord.
- JC Ice beat Wolfie D.
- W*ING Junior Heavyweight Champ Mike Anthony DCO USWA Middleweight Champ Danny Davis.
- Bert Prentice beat Bad Business Brown in a "loser leaves town" match.
- Doug Gilbert beat Brian Christopher to win the USWA Title in a "hair vs. title" match.
- Jerry Lawler beat Eddie Gilbert to win the USWA Unified World Title.
- Jerry Lawler & Brian Christopher beat Moondogs Spot & Rex via DQ.
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February 14, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 825
- Del Rios beat Skull Von Crush.
- Mike Anthony beat Ken Wayne via DQ.
- Robert Gibson drew Koko B. Ware.
- Wolfie D beat JC Ice in a "hubcap on a pole" match.
- Brian Christopher beat Doug Gilbert to win the USWA Title in a "hair vs. title" match.
- Eddie Gilbert beat Jerry Lawler via countout to win the USWA Unified World Title.
- Moondogs Spot & Rex NC Jerry Lawler & Brian Christopher.
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February 21, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing ???
- Ken Wayne beat Tony Williams.
- Spellbinder beat Skull Von Crush.
- Robert Gibson beat Koko B. Ware via DQ.
- JC Ice beat Wolfie D "ladder hubcap" match.
- Doug Gilbert beat Brian Christopher to win the USWA Title.
- USWA Unified World Champ Eddie Gilbert beat Jerry Lawler via DQ.
- Jerry Lawler & Brian Christopher beat Moondogs Spot & Rex.
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Memphis Memories
March 7, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 8,377 ($32,000)
- The Nightmares & Skull Von Crush beat Spellbinder, King Cobra, & Jeff Gaylord (8:28) when Davis pinned Gaylord.
- JC Ice DCO Wolfie D (8:12).
- Koko B. Ware pinned Billy Joe Travis (9:24).
- Tommy Rich beat Jimmy Valiant (4:00) via DQ.
- USWA Tag Champs The Moondogs Rex & Spot beat Leatherface & Frankenstein (2:24).
- Jerry Lawler, Austin Idol, & Brian Christopher beat Terry Funk, Eddie & Doug Gilbert via DQ.
- Memphis Hall of Fame Induction: Tommy Gilbert, Al & Don Greene, Jerry Jarrett, Lance Russell, and Sputnik Monroe.
- Jerry Lawler beat Jimmy Valiant, Brian Christopher, & Austin Idol, Terry Funk, Tommy Rich, Moondog Spot, Koko B. Ware, Eddie & Doug Gilbert (42:00) in an "elimination" match.
- Christopher pinned Doug (5:00).
- Rich pinned Valiant.
- Lawler pinned Rich (10:42).
- Christopher pinned Spot (17:24).
- Idol was DQed (18:40).
- Ware and Christopher were both counted out (31:00).
- Funk was DQed (34:00).
- Lawler pinned Eddie (42:00).
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March 14, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,400 ($8,800)
- King Cobra beat Leon Downs (7:03).
- Skull Von Crush beat Jeff Gaylord (5:17).
- JC Ice pinned Wolfie D (9:00) in a "loser leaves town" match.
- Billy Joe Travis pinned JC Ice (3:15) in a "loser leaves town" match.
- USWA Tag Champs Moondogs Spot & Rex beat Spellbinder & Billy Joe Travis (3:17).
- Robert Gibson beat Koko B. Ware (7:10) via DQ.
- Jerry Lawler beat Tommy Rich (10:30) via DQ.
- USWA Unified World Champ Eddie Gilbert beat Brian Christopher (19:45) to win the USWA Title.
- Jerry Lawler, Brian Christopher, & Dream Machine beat Tommy Rich, Eddie & Doug Gilbert in a "rage in a cage" match.
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March 21, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,350
- Spellbinder beat Reggie B. Fine.
- Rick Savage beat Leon Downs.
- Bert Prentice beat Lonnie Lottz.
- Well Dunn beat Robert Gibson & Jeff Gaylord.
- USWA Tag Champs Moondogs Spot & Rex beat Billy Joe Travis & Don Bass via DQ.
- Dream Machine beat Skull Von Crush.
- Moondog Spot won a "Moondog battle royal."
- Brian Christopher & Rick Steiner beat Doug Gilbert & Tommy Rich via DQ.
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March 28, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,000
- Jeff Gaylord beat Ken Wayne via DQ.
- Spellbinder beat Leon Downs.
- Skull Von Crush beat Todd Morton.
- Spellbinder, Jeff Gaylord, & Ricky Morton beat Ken Wayne, Leon Downs, & Skull Von Crush in an "elimination" match.
- The Dirty White Girl beat Susan Sapphire.
- USWA Tag Champs Moondogs Spot & Rex beat Billy Joe Travis & Don Bass.
- Tony Anthony beat Doug Gilbert via DQ.
- USWA Champ Brian Christopher beat Steven Dunn.
- USWA Unified World Champ Jerry Lawler DDQ Dream Machine.
- Doug Gilbert & Tommy Rich beat Jerry Lawler & Brian Christopher in a "piledriver" match.
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April 4, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing ???
- Super Mario beat Galaga.
- Spellbinder beat Frank Parker.
- The Spiders beat Reggie B. Fine & Doug Gilbert.
- Don Bass & Jeff Gaylord beat USWA Tag Champs Moondogs Spot & Rex via DQ.
- USWA Champ Brian Christopher beat Tommy Rich via DQ.
- USWA Unified World Champ Jerry Lawler pinned Adam Bomb.
- Jerry Lawler, Brian Christopher, & Jimmy Valiant beat Doug Gilbert, Tommy Rich, & Dream Machine in an "I quit" match when Gilbert submitted.
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April 11, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 900 ($5,500)
- Ian & Axl Rotten beat Spellbinder & Jeff Gaylord.
- The Spiders beat Leon Downs & Reggie B. Fine.
- USWA Women’s Champ Debbie Combs beat Susan Sapphire.
- Billy Joe Travis beat Doug Gilbert via DQ.
- USWA Champ Brian Christopher beat Steven Dunn.
- USWA Tag Champs Moondogs Spot & Rex beat Billy Joe Travis & Don Bass.
- Brian Christopher & Eddie Gilbert beat Adam Bomb & Dream Machine. Doug Gilbert was the special referee.
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April 18, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,400 ($8,500)
- Spellbinder beat Tony Falk.
- The Colorado Kid beat Leon Downs.
- The Spiders drew Ian & Axl Rotten.
- Tony Anthony beat Steven Dunn.
- Don Bass & Billy Joe Travis beat Moondogs Spot & Rex. This was supposed to be for the held-up USWA Tag Tile, but the title was declared vacant.
- Eddie Gilbert beat Tommy Rich in a "street fight" match via DQ.
- Doug Gilbert beat USWA Champ Brian Christopher via DQ.
- Dream Machine beat Jerry Lawler.
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April 25, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,100
- The Eliminators beat Spellbinder & Jeff Gaylord.
- Ian & Axl Rotten beat The Spiders.
- Moondogs Spot & Rex beat Billy Joe Travis & Don Bass in a "lumberjack" match.
- Eddie Gilbert beat Tommy Rich in a "first blood" match.
- USWA Champ Brian Christopher beat Doug Gilbert in a "marathon" match.
- Brian Christopher & Eddie Gilbert beat Tommy Rich & Doug Gilbert via DQ.
- USWA Unified World Champ Jerry Lawler beat Dream Machine in a match where the first person to return to the dressing room loses.
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May 2, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 500
- Spellbinder beat Leon Downs.
- Billy Joe Travis beat Reggie B. Fine.
- Moondog Rex beat Jeff Gaylord.
- The Spiders beat Ian & Axl Rotten.
- Bert Prentice beat Ronnie Lottz in a "loser wears a diaper" match.
- Moondog Spot (partner Moondog Rex) pinned Don Bass (partner Billy Joe Travis) in a "loser never teams with partner" match.
- Doug Gilbert pinned Brian Christopher (9:50) to win the USWA Title..
- The Eliminators beat Eddie Gilbert & Brian Christopher (11:15) to win the USWA Tag Title in a "hair (Doug Gilbert’s) vs. title" match when Christopher was pinned.
- Brian Christopher won a "weapons battle royal." Also in the match were: Don Bass, Brian Christopher, Leon Downs, The Eliminators, Reggie B. Fine, Jeff Gaylord, Doug & Eddie Gilbert, Moondogs Rex & Spot, Axl & Ian Rotten, Spellbinder, Spiders #1 & #2, and Billy Joe Travis.
- USWA Unified World Champ Jerry Lawler beat Dream Machine in a "taped fist" match.
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May 9, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,600 ($9,500)
- Spider #1 beat Spellbinder.
- Spider #2 beat Reggie B. Fine.
- Moondogs Spot & Rex beat Ian & Axl Rotten.
- Bert Prentice DDQ Ronnie Lottz in a "loser leaves town" match.
- USWA Tag Champs The Eliminators beat Billy Joe Travis & Spike Huber.
- Brian Christopher pinned Doug Gilbert to win the USWA Title in a "hair vs. title" match..
- Jerry Lawler & Eddie Gilbert NC Dream Machine & Jeff Jarrett.
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May 16, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,450 ($8,900)
- Ken Wayne beat The Colorado Kid.
- Spellbinder beat Reggie B. Fine.
- Spike Huber beat Bull Pain.
- Moondogs Spot & Rex DDQ Ian & Axl Rotten.
- USWA Women’s Champ Debbie Combs beat Robbie Rage.
- USWA Tag Champs The Eliminators beat The Spiders.
- USWA Champ Brian Christopher beat Doug Gilbert in a "Singapore caning" match.
- Jerry Lawler & Jeff Jarrett beat Eddie Gilbert & Dream Machine via DQ.
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May 23, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,050
- Super Mario beat Frank Parker.
- King Cobra beat Reggie B. Fine.
- Ian & Axl Rotten beat Spellbinder & The Colorado Kid.
- Spike Huber beat Bull Pain.
- USWA Tag Champs The Eliminators beat The Spiders in a "title vs. masks" match.
- Eddie Gilbert beat Jimmy Valiant.
- Doug Gilbert beat Brian Christopher in a "Singapore caning" match.
- WWF Tag Champs The Headshrinkers beat Eddie Gilbert & Dream Machine via DQ.
- Brian Christopher won a "battle royal."
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May 29, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,200 ($7,600)
- Spellbinder beat Bull Pain.
- Wolfie D beat Ian Rotten.
- Spike Huber beat Axl Rotten.
- USWA Tag Champs The Eliminators beat The Spiders in a"title vs. loser leaves town" match.
- USWA Champ Brian Christopher beat Doug Gilbert.
- Eddie Gilbert beat Jerry Lawler (15:00).
- Bam Bam Bigelow & Dream Machine beat Jerry Lawler & Brian Christopher when Bigelow pinned Lawler.
Note: This was a Sunday show.
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June 6, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 800
- Reggie B. Fine beat Jerry Faith.
- Anthony Michaels beat Leon Downs.
- Mike Samples beat Brian Logan.
- Anthony Michaels, Jerry Faith, & Brian Logan beat Mike Samples, Leon Downs, & Reggie B. Fine.
- USWA Tag Champs The Eliminators beat Jeff Gaylord & Spellbinder when Gaylord was pinned.
- Doug Gilbert beat Wolfie D.
- Dream Machine pinned Brian Christopher to win the USWA Title.
- USWA Unified World Champ Jerry Lawler beat Bam Bam Bigelow via DQ.
- Wolfie D won a "blindfold battle royal."
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June 13, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 850 ($5,600)
- Anthony Michaels beat The Hornet (Brian Keyes).
- Tony Falk beat Tony Williams.
- Debbie Combs beat Lady Satan.
- The Colorado Kid beat Bert Prentice via DQ.
- Koko B. Ware beat Reggie B. Fine.
- Spellbinder beat Jeff Gaylord.
- PG-13 beat The Eliminators to win the USWA Tag Title.
- Jerry Lawler & Brian Christopher beat Tony Falk, Eddie Gilbert, & Scott Bowden in a "handicap tornado death" match when Lawler pinned Bowden.
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June 20, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,250 ($7,600)
- King Cobra beat Tony Falk.
- Spike Huber beat The Heartbreaker.
- The Colorado Kid beat Bert Prentice in a "loser wears a dress" match.
- Koko B. Ware beat Reggie B. Fine.
- Spellbinder beat Spike Huber.
- USWA Tag Champs PG-13 beat The Eliminators via pinfall.
- Brian Christopher & Moondog Spot beat Doug Gilbert & Tommy Rich via DQ.
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June 27, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,300
- Doug Basham vs. Tony Falk.
- Spellbinder vs. Jeff Gaylord.
- The Colorado Kid vs. Bert Prentice.
- Koko B. Ware vs. Reggie B. Fine.
- PG-13 beat The Eliminators.
- Moondog Spot vs. ???.
- Jerry Lawler & Brian Christopher vs. Tommy Rich, Doug Gilbert, Dream Machine, & Phil Hickerson in a "handicap" match.
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July 4, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,250 ($5,000)
- Jeff Gaylord beat Bull Pain.
- The Colorado Kid beat Tony Falk (3:41).
- Doug Basham beat Spellbinder (4:56).
- Reggie B. Fine beat Koko B. Ware (0:57) via DQ.
- Debbie Combs pinned Susan Sapphire (2:57).
- Brian Christopher beat Doug Gilbert (4:55) via DQ.
- The Eliminators beat PG-13 (6:44).
- PG-13 beat Nobutaka Araya & Takashi Okano (4:50).
- Nobutaka Araya & Takashi Okano beat The Eliminators (6:45).
- PG-13 beat The Eliminators 6:46) via DQ.
- PG-13 beat Nobutaka Araya & Takashi Okano via pinfall to win the W*ING Tag Title.
- USWA Champ Dream Machine beat Moondog Spot (2:00).
- USWA Unified World Champ Jerry Lawler beat Tommy Rich (10:51) via DQ.
- Tommy Rich, Eddie Gilbert, & Dream Machine beat Jerry Lawler, Brian Christopher, & Moondog Spot in an "steel cage handcuff elimination" match. Tommy Rich was the sole survivor.
- Spot handcuffed Machine (8:00).
- Rich handcuffed Spot (10:00).
- Rich handcuffed Christopher (11:00).
- Lawler handcuffed Gilbert (11:00).
- Rich handcuffed Lawler.
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July 11, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing ???
- Jeff Gaylord beat Leon Downs.
- Reggie B. Fine beat Tony Williams.
- Bart Sawyer beat Tony Falk.
- Doug Basham beat Spellbinder.
- USWA Tag Champs PG-13 beat The Eliminators via DQ.
- Brian Christopher beat Dream Machine to win the USWA Title.
- Tommy Rich beat Jerry Lawler in a "barbed wire" match.
- Dream Machine, Tommy Rich, & Doug Gilbert beat Brian Christopher, Moondogs Spot & Rex.
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July 18, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,650
- Jeff Gaylord beat Tony Falk.
- Bart Sawyer beat Reggie B. Fine.
- Spellbinder beat Doug Basham.
- The Eliminators beat PG-13 in a "stretcher" match.
- Jerry Lawler beat Tommy Rich.
- Tommy Rich, Dream Machine, Doug Gilbert, & Scott Bowden beat Brian Christopher, Moondogs Spot & Rex in a "handicap hospital elimination" match.
- Jeff Gaylord won a "battle royal."
- USWA Unified World Champ Sid Vicious beat Jeff Gaylord.
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July 25, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,700 ($10,500)
- Bart Sawyer beat Leon Downs.
- Spellbinder beat Doug Basham.
- Koko B. Ware pinned Reggie B. Fine.
- PG-13 beat Spellbinder & Eliminator #1.
- Jerry Lawler beat Tommy Rich.
- Brian Christopher, Moondogs Spot & Rex beat Dream Machine, Doug Gilbert, & Spike Huber.
- Jeff Gaylord won a "battle royal."
- USWA Unified World Champ Sid Vicious pinned Jeff Gaylord (0:20).
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August 1, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,700
- Doug Basham beat Dan Colley.
- Spellbinder beat Super Mario.
- Jimmy Valiant beat Scott Bowden.
- Tommy Rich beat Frank Morrell & Kevin Christian in a "handicap" match.
- Koko B. Ware beat Reggie B. Fine via DQ.
- Doug Gilbert beat Brian Christopher to win the USWA Title.
- USWA Tag Champs PG-13 beat The Eliminators.
- Brian Christopher, Jimmy Valiant, & Moondogs Spot & Rex beat The Bodyguard, Scott Bowden, Eddie & Doug Gilbert.
- Sid Vicious & Spike Huber beat Jeff Gaylord & King Kong Bundy.
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August 8, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,600
- King Cobra beat Leon Downs.
- Eliminator Kronus beat Tony Williams.
- Eliminator Saturn beat Doug Basham.
- Koko B. Ware beat Spellbinder.
- King Cobra, Doug Basham, Tony Williams, & Koko B. Ware beat Spellbinder, Leon Downs, & The Eliminators in an "elimination" match.
- USWA Tag Champs PG-13 NC Mephisto & Dante. As a result of this match the title was held-up.
- USWA Champ Doug Gilbert beat Brian Christopher in a "title vs. Christopher’s car" match.
- Brian Christopher, Moondogs Spot & Rex beat Doug Gilbert, Tommy Rich, & Scott Bowden.
- Sid Vicious & Spike Huber beat Jerry Lawler & King Kong Bundy when Vicious pinned Lawler.
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August 15, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,400
- Doug Basham beat Reggie B. Fine.
- Koko B. Ware beat Spellbinder via DQ.
- Moondogs Spot & Rex beat The Eliminators via DQ.
- Mephisto & Dante beat PG-13 to win the held-up USWA Tag Title.
- Brian Christopher & Buddy Landel beat Doug Gilbert & Tommy Rich in a "hair vs. Gilbert’s car" match when Christopher pinned Gilbert.
- USWA Unified World Champ Sid Vicious pinned Tatanka.
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August 22, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,400
- Reggie B. Fine beat Tony Williams.
- Eliminator Kronus beat Doug Basham.
- Koko B. Ware beat Eliminator Saturn via DQ.
- Moondog Rex beat Scott Bowden via countout.
- USWA Tag Champs Mephisto & Dante beat PG-13 via DQ.
- Moondogs Spot & Rex beat Tommy Rich & Buddy Landel.
- Sid Vicious, Spellbinder, & Spike Huber beat Jerry Lawler, Austin Idol, & Jeff Gaylord via DQ.
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August 29, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,000
- Doug Basham vs. Eliminator Kronus.
- King Cobra vs. Eliminator Saturn.
- Jeff Gaylord vs. Spellbinder.
- Jeff Gaylord vs. Spike Huber.
- PG-13 beat Mephisto & Dante to win the USWA Tag Title in a "loser leaves town vs. title" match.
- Moondogs Rex & Spot vs. Tommy Rich & Buddy Landel.
- Sid Vicious vs. Austin Idol
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September 5, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,400 ($8,500)
- The Eliminators beat Tony Williams & Doug Basham.
- Koko B. Ware beat Spellbinder.
- USWA Tag Champs PG-13 beat Mephisto & Dante in a "title vs. loser leaves town" match.
- Brian Christopher beat Dark Patriot via DQ.
- Tommy Rich & Buddy Landel beat Moondogs Spot & Rex in a "last man standing" match.
- USWA Unified World Champ Sid Vicious pinned Jerry Lawler.
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September 12, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,100 ($6,700)
- Eliminator Kronus drew King Cobra.
- Eliminator Saturn beat Cory Williams.
- Spellbinder beat Doug Basham.
- USWA Tag Champs PG-13 beat The Phantoms.
- Scott Bowden beat Brian Christopher via DQ.
- Moondogs Spot & Rex beat Tommy Rich & Buddy Landel in a "chair death" match.
- Brian Christopher beat The Dark Patriot in a "hair vs. mask" match.
- USWA Unified World Champ Sid Vicious pinned Jerry Lawler in a "powerbomb vs. piledriver" match.
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September 19, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,200 ($6,800)
- Doug Basham beat Tony Williams.
- Spellbinder beat Jeff Gaylord.
- USWA Tag Champs PG-13 beat The Phantoms.
- Moondogs Spot & Rex beat Tommy Rich & Buddy Landel in a "losers never team again" match.
- Sid Vicious & Spellbinder beat The Eliminators.
- USWA Unified World Champ Sid Vicious beat Jerry Lawler via DQ.
- Brian Christopher beat Doug Gilbert in a "hair vs. hair" match.
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No Show Scheduled: September 26, 1994
Due to the Mid-South Fair being held at the coliseum.
October 3, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,650 ($8,900)
- Buddy Landel beat Eliminator Kronus.
- Eliminator Saturn beat Jeff Gaylord.
- Moondog Rex beat Spellbinder.
- Doug Gilbert beat Moondog Spot via DQ.
- Jerry Lawler drew Tommy Rich (10:00).
- Buddy Landel beat Eliminator Saturn.
- Moondog Rex beat Doug Gilbert via DQ.
- Tommy Rich beat Brian Christopher via DQ.
- Tommy Rich beat Moondog Rex.
- Tommy Rich beat Buddy Landel to win the vacant USWA Title.
- PG-13 & Miss Texas beat The Phantoms & Fantasia.
- Randy Hales beat Scott Bowden via DQ.
- Doug Gilbert & Sid Vicious beat Jerry Lawler & Brian Christopher in a "stretcher" match.
USWA Title Tournament Bracketing
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October 10, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,150
- Jeff Gaylord beat Tony Williams.
- Moondog Rex beat Reggie B. Fine.
- USWA Champ Tommy Rich beat Buddy Landel via DQ.
- PG-13 & Miss Texas beat The Phantoms & Fantasia.
- Moondog Spot beat Spellbinder.
- Miss Texas beat Fantasia.
- Jerry Lawler & Randy Hales beat Tommy Rich & Scott Bowden.
- USWA Unified World Champ Sid Vicious beat Lord Humongous.
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October 17, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 3,103 ($16,645)
- Spellbinder beat Jeff Gaylord.
- Moondogs Spot & Rex beat Spellbinder & Reggie B. Fine.
- Scott Bowden pinned Randy Hales in a "lumberjack strap" match.
- Miss Texas pinned Fantasia.
- PG-13 beat The Phantoms in a "trick or treat" match when JC Ice pinned Tragedy.
- USWA Champ Tommy Rich DCO Buddy Landel (9:26).
- The Undertaker beat USWA Unified World Champ Sid Vicious (8:52) via DQ.
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October 24, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,350 ($8,100)
- Sgt. Victor beat Tony Williams.
- Men on a Mission Mo beat Spellbinder.
- Moondogs Spot & Rex beat The Phantoms to win the USWA Tag Title.
- USWA Champ Tommy Rich beat Buddy Landel.
- Miss Texas beat Scott Bowden & Fantasia in a "handicap" match.
- Tommy Rich & Doug Gilbert beat Jerry Lawler & Brian Christopher via DQ.
- USWA Unified World Champ Sid Vicious beat Men on a Mission Mabel.
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No Show Scheduled: October 31, 1994
November 7, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 2,500 ($14,000)
- Sgt. Victor beat Tony Williams.
- Spellbinder beat Doug Basham.
- USWA Tag Champs Moondogs Spot & Rex beat The Phantoms.
- Miss Texas beat Scott Bowden.
- Doug Gilbert beat Buddy Landel in a "street fight" match.
- USWA Champ Brian Christopher beat Tommy Rich via DQ.
- Brian Christopher won a "Moondog battle royal."
- USWA Unified World Champ Sid Vicious beat The Undertaker via DQ.
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November 14, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,600
- Phantom Tragedy beat Tony Williams.
- Jeff Gaylord beat Phantom Sorrow.
- Spellbinder beat Buddy Landel.
- Miss Texas beat Fantasia.
- USWA Tag Champs Moondogs Spot & Rex NC Jim & Ron Harris. As a result of this match, the title was held-up.
- USWA Unified World Champ Sid Vicious beat Buddy Landel.
- Jerry Lawler, Brian Christopher, & Bill Dundee beat Doug Gilbert, Tommy Rich, & Scott Bowden.
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November 21, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,150
- King Cobra beat Phantom Tragedy.
- Phantom Sorrow beat Jeff Gaylord via DQ.
- Spellbinder beat Buddy Landel.
- King Cobra, Jeff Gaylord, & Miss Texas beat The Phantoms & Fantasia.
- Moondogs Spot & Rex beat Ron & Jim Harris to win the held-up USWA Tag Title.
- Men on a Mission Mabel beat USWA Unified World Champ Sid Vicious via DQ.
- Jerry Lawler, Brian Christopher, & Bill Dundee beat Doug Gilbert, Tommy Rich, & Dream Machine.
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November 28, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 950
- Doug Basham beat Reggie B. Fine.
- Wolfie D beat Sgt. Victor.
- Ron & Jim Harris beat Moondogs Spot & Rex.
- Frank Morrell beat Scott Bowden.
- Men on a Mission beat Sid Vicious & Spellbinder via DQ.
- Tommy Rich & Doug Gilbert beat Brian Christopher & Bill Dundee in a "Texas death" match.
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December 5, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,200
- Miss Texas beat Candi Devine to win the UWF Women’s Title. The belt was later returned to Divine.
- Jim & Ron Harris beat PG-13.
- USWA Tag Champs Moondogs Spot & Rex beat Jim & Ron Harris.
- Bill Dundee beat Doug Gilbert via DQ.
- Spellbinder beat Jerry Lawler via DQ.
- Brian Christopher pinned Tommy Rich to win the USWA Title.
- Sid Vicious & Spellbinder DDQ Men on a Mission.
- Jerry Lawler, Brian Christopher, Bill Dundee, & Frank Morrell NC Tommy Rich, Doug Gilbert, Scott Bowden, & Don Bass in a "rage in a cage" match.
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December 12, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 950 ($5,900)
- Doug Basham beat Sgt. Victor.
- Miss Texas beat Scott Bowden in a "loser wears a diaper" match.
- Ron & Jim Harris beat Moondogs Spot & Rex and Wolfie D & Doug Basham in a "triple threat" match.
- Spellbinder beat King Cobra.
- Bill Dundee beat Doug Gilbert in a "coward wave’s the flag" match.
- USWA Champ Brian Christopher beat Tommy Rich.
- Adam Bomb beat USWA Unified World Champ Sid Vicious via DQ.
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December 19, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 850
- King Cobra beat Don Bass via DQ.
- Miss Texas beat Candy Devine & Scott Bowden.
- Spellbinder beat Ricky Morton.
- Ron & Jim Harris beat Moondogs Spot & Rex and PG-13 in a "triple threat" match.
- Tommy Rich beat Brian Christopher in a "loser leaves town vs. title" match to win the USWA Title.
- Bill Dundee beat Doug Gilbert in an "I quit" match.
- Jerry Lawler & Brian Christopher beat Sid Vicious & Spellbinder in a "piledriver vs. powerbomb" match.
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December 26, 1994 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 1,800 ($10,600)
- Reggie B. Fine beat Tony Williams.
- Ken Raper beat Frank Parker.
- Miss Texas beat Scott Bowden.
- Ron & Jim Harris beat Moondogs Spot & Rex to win the USWA Tag Title.
- PG-13 beat Ron & Jim Harris to win the USWA Tag Title.
- Bill Dundee & Jimmy Valiant beat Tommy Rich & Doug Gilbert a "losers tarred and feathered" match.
- Sid Vicious & Spellbinder beat Jerry Lawler & Brian Christopher via DQ.
- Brian Christopher won a "two-ring battle royal."
- Brian Christopher beat USWA Unified World Champ Sid Vicious via DQ.
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