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January 1, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 7,829
  1. Norvell Austin & Sabu beat Art Crews & The Jaguar.

  2. Dutch Mantel & Stagger Lee drew Plowboy Frazier Terry Gibbs.

  3. Dream Machine & Porkchop Cash beat Terry Taylor & Stagger Lee.

  4. The Rock-n-Roll Express beat The A-Team in a "stretcher" match.

  5. The Fabulous Ones DDQ The Moondogs (Rex & Spot).

  6. Sabu beat Austin Idol.

  7. Jerry Lawler beat AWA World Champ Nick Bockwinkel (32:25) via DQ.
Note: This was a Sunday show.

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January 9, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 5,609
  1. Sabu beat The Jaguar.

  2. Art Crews drew Terry Gibbs.

  3. Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine beat Stagger Lee & Jerry Grey.

  4. The A-Team beat The Rock-n-Roll Express in a "Texas death" match.

  5. King Konga beat Terry Taylor.

  6. Dutch Mantel beat Mid-America Champ Randy Savage via DQ.

  7. Austin Idol beat Jos LeDuc.

  8. The Fabulous Ones beat The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) (8:03) in an "anything goes" match.

  9. AWA World Champ Nick Bockwinkel beat Jerry Lawler via DQ.
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January 16, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing ???
  1. Terry Gibbs vs. Mr. Ebony.

  2. Dream Machine & Porkchop Cash vs. The A-Team.

  3. The Zambuie Express vs. Art Crews & Jerry Grey.

  4. King Konga vs. Stagger Lee.

  5. Mid-America Champ Randy Savage vs. Dutch Mantel in a "no DQ" match.

  6. CWA International Champ Austin Idol vs. Sabu.

  7. Southern Champ Jerry Lawler vs. Karl Krupp.

  8. AWA Tag Champs Jerry Blackwell & Ken Patera vs. The Rock-n-Roll Express.

  9. Southern Tag Champs The Fabulous Ones vs. The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) in a "no DQ loser leaves town" match when Lane pinned Spot.
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January 24, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 3,737
  1. The Rock-n-Roll Express, Mr. Ebony, & Stagger Lee beat Sabu, Karl Krupp, Porkchop Cash, & Dream Machine.

  2. Terry Gibbs beat A-Team #1.

  3. Rick Rude beat Jerry Grey.

  4. King Konga beat Art Crews.

  5. Jos LeDuc beat Tommy Gilbert.

  6. The Zambuie Express beat The Fabulous Ones.

  7. Dutch Mantel beat Randy Savage.

  8. Southern Tag Champs The Zambuie Express beat The Fabulous Ones.

  9. Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol beat AWA Tag Champs Jerry Blackwell & Ken Patera.
Note: This was a Tuesday show.

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January 31, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 7,734
  1. Terry Gibbs & Rick Rude beat The Fabulous Ones via DQ.

  2. Stagger Lee & Norvell Austin beat Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine.

  3. The A-Team beat Karl Krupp & Sabu.

  4. Randy Savage & Angelo Poffo beat Art Crews & Dutch Mantel via DQ.

  5. The Rock-n-Roll Express beat King Konga & Jos LeDuc via DQ.

  6. Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol DDQ The Road Warriors.

  7. Stagger Lee & Norvell Austin beat The A-Team.

  8. The Rock-n-Roll Express beat Randy Savage & Angelo Poffo

  9. Stagger Lee & Norvell Austin beat Rick Rude & Terry Gibbs.

  10. The Zambuie Express beat The Rock-n-Roll Express.

  11. Princess Victoria beat Wendi Richter.

  12. The Zambuie Express beat Stagger Lee & Norvell Austin to win the vacant Southern Tag Title.
Note: This was a Tuesday show.

Southern Tag Title Tournament Bracketing

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February 6, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 6,569
  1. Mr. Ebony beat Angelo Poffo.

  2. Rick Rude beat Art Crews.

  3. Mid-America Champ Randy Savage beat Dutch Mantel in a "no DQ" match.

  4. Buzz & Brett Sawyer NC Jos LeDuc & King Tonga.

  5. Stagger Lee & Norvell Austin beat The Zambuie Express to win the Southern Tag Title

  6. The Fabulous Ones beat The Rock-n-Roll Express.

  7. Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol beat The Road Warriors in a "no DQ" match.
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February 14, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 3,100
  1. The A-Team beat Tommy Gilbert & Art Crews.

  2. King Konga beat Mr. Ebony.

  3. Dirty Rhodes & Harley Davidson beat Dream Machine & Porkchop Cash.

  4. Brett Sawyer beat Rick Rude.

  5. Jos LeDuc beat Buzz Sawyer in an "anything goes" match.

  6. The Zambuie Express beat Stagger Lee & Norvell Austin to win the Southern Tag Title.

  7. Dutch Mantel & Bugsy McGraw beat Randy Savage, Angelo Poffo, & Jimmy Hart beat in a "handicap" match.

  8. Austin Idol beat AWA World Champ Nick Bockwinkel via DQ.
Note: This was a Tuesday show.

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February 19, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 4,890
  1. Penny Mitchell beat Leilani Kai.

  2. Harley Davidson & Dirty Rhodes beat Angelo Poffo & Sabu.

  3. The Rock-n-Roll Express, Brian Adidas, Stagger Lee, & Norvell Austin beat Dream Machine, Porkchop Cash, The A-Team, & Jimmy Hart.

  4. Rick Rude beat Dutch Mantel via DQ.

  5. Mid-America Champ Randy Savage beat Rick McGraw via DQ.

  6. Jos LeDuc beat Buzz Sawyer via forfeit.

  7. Austin Idol & Jerry Lawler beat Southern Tag Champs The Zambuie Express via DQ.

  8. Jerry Lawler beat King Konga.
Note: This was a Sunday show.

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February 28, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 2,929
  1. Princess Victoria & Despina Montegas beat Wendi Richter & Leilani Kai.

  2. Larry Higgins beat Mr. Ebony.

  3. The Black Ninja beat Art Crews.

  4. Harley Davidson & Scott Shannon beat Dream Machine & Porkchop Cash.

  5. The A-Team beat Dirty Rhodes & Brian Adidas via DQ.

  6. Jos LeDuc & Randy Savage beat Stagger Lee & Norvell Austin.

  7. Rick Rude beat Dutch Mantel in a "no DQ" match.

  8. Jerry Lawler, Austin Idol, & Tommy Rich beat King Konga & The Zambuie Express.
Note: This was a Tuesday show.

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March 5, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 3,700
  1. Dirty Rhodes & Harley Davidson beat Angelo Poffo & Mad Dog.

  2. Rick Rude beat Tom Jones.

  3. Dutch Mantel, Princess Victoria, & Despina Montegas beat Jimmy Hart, Wendi Richter, & Leilani Kai.

  4. The A-Team beat Stagger Lee & Norvell Austin.

  5. Randy Savage beat Bugsy McGraw via DQ.

  6. Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine beat Spike Huber & Scott Shannon.
  7. CWA International Champ Austin Idol beat King Tonga.

  8. Jerry Lawler & Jos LeDuc NC Southern Tag Champs The Zambuie Express.
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March 12, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 5,771
  1. Dirty Rhodes & Harley Davidson beat The Executioners.

  2. Dutch Mantel, Scott Shannon, & Spike Huber beat King Konga, The Black Ninja, & The Executioner.

  3. Rick Rude beat Bugsy McGraw.

  4. Norvell Austin & Stagger Lee beat The A-Team.

  5. Tommy Rich & Eddie Gilbert beat The Moondogs (Rex & Spot).

  6. CWA International Champ Austin Idol beat Mid-America Champ Randy Savage via DQ.

  7. Jerry Lawler & Jos LeDuc beat The Zambuie Express in a "no DQ" match to win the Southern Tag Title.
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March 18, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 5,420
  1. Tom Jones beat The Executioner via forfeit.

  2. King Konga drew Scott Shannon.

  3. Harley Davidson & Dirty Rhodes beat A-Team.

  4. Bugsy McGraw beat Mad Dog.

  5. Dutch Mantel beat Black Ninja.

  6. Stagger Lee & Norvell Austin beat The Moondogs (Rex & Spot).

  7. Eddie Gilbert & Tommy Rich beat Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine.

  8. CWA International Champ Austin Idol beat Rick Rude via DQ.

  9. Jerry Lawler, Jimmy Hart, & Jos LeDuc beat Kareem Muhammad, King Konga, & JJ Dillon.
Note: This was a Sunday show.

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March 26, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 4,939
  1. JJ Dillon beat Jimmy Hart via DQ in a "taped fist" match.

  2. Austin Idol beat Rick Rude.

  3. Southern Champ Jerry Lawler beat Jos LeDuc.

  4. Tommy Rich & Eddie Gilbert beat Norvell Austin & Stagger Lee to win the vacant Southern Tag Title. This was the final match of a tournament.
Southern Tag Title Tournament Bracketing

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April 2, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 7,591
  1. Scott Shannon drew Jesse Ortega.

  2. Ox Baker beat Art Crews.

  3. Randy Savage pinned Dutch Mantel in a "$5,000 on a pole" match.

  4. Austin Idol beat Rick Rude via DQ in a "strap on a pole" match.

  5. Southern Tag Champs Eddie Gilbert & Tommy Rich NC Koko Ware & Norvell Austin.

  6. Jimmy Valiant beat Assassin #1 in a "hair vs. mask."

  7. Jerry Lawler & JJ Dillon beat Jimmy Hart & Randy Savage in a "no DQ" match.
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April 9, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 4,208
  1. The Super Gladiator drew Jesse Ortega.

  2. Brickhouse Brown beat Ric McCord.

  3. Tiger Mark & Harley Davidson beat King Konga & The Angel.

  4. Jim Niedhart beat Art Crews.

  5. Ox Baker beat Scott Shannon.

  6. Southern Tag Champs Tommy Rich & Eddie Gilbert beat Koko Ware & Norvell Austin in a "Texas death" match.

  7. Austin Idol beat Rick Rude via DQ in a "strap" match.

  8. Southern Champ Jerry Lawler beat Randy Savage in a "loser receives ten lashes" match to win the Mid-America Title.
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April 16, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 3,989
  1. Omar Atlas beat A-Team #1.

  2. Scott Shannon beat King Konga via DQ.

  3. Ox Baker & Jim Niedhart beat Jesse Ortega & Ric McCord.

  4. Norvell Austin & Koko Ware beat Harley Davidson & Brickhouse Brown.

  5. Austin Idol beat Rick Rude in a "steel cage loser wears a dress" match.

  6. Southern Tag Champs Tommy Rich & Eddie Gilbert beat Randy Savage & Porkchop Cash.

  7. Lord Humongous TKO Jerry Lawler.
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April 23, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 4,830
  1. Ox Baker beat Ric McCord.

  2. Bugsy McGraw & Dutch Mantel beat A-Team #1 & Porkchop Cash.

  3. Scott Shannon, Tiger Mask, & Brickhouse Brown beat King Konga, The Japanese Assassin, & The Black Ninja.

  4. Koko Ware & Norvell Austin beat Dirty Rhodes & Harley Davidson.

  5. Randy Savage beat Austin Idol to win the CWA International Title.

  6. Southern Tag Champs Tommy Rich & Eddie Gilbert beat Jim Niedhart & Rick Rude.

  7. Lord Humongous beat Jerry Lawler to win the Southern Title.

  8. Lord Humongous won a "back alley street brawl" match.
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April 30, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 5,160
  1. Jim Niedhart beat Ric McCord.

  2. Brickhouse Brown beat A-Team #1.

  3. Scott Shannon & Bugsy McGraw beat Ox Baker & The Japanese Assassin.

  4. Koko Ware & Norvell Austin beat Dirty Rhodes & Harley Davidson in a "motorcycle boot on a pole" match.

  5. Dutch Mantel beat Rick Rude via DQ.

  6. Southern Tag Champs Tommy Rich & Eddie Gilbert beat Porkchop Cash & Mark Batten via DQ.

  7. Austin Idol beat CWA International Champ Randy Savage via DQ.

  8. Jerry Lawler beat Southern Champ Lord Humongous via DQ.
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May 7, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 4,048
  1. Ric McCord & Brickhouse Brown beat A-Team #1 & The Japanese Assassin.

  2. Bugsy McGraw beat Porkchop Cash.

  3. Jim Niedhart beat Scott Shannon.

  4. Koko Ware & Norvell Austin beat Dirty Rhodes & Harley Davidson in a "biker roulette" match.

  5. CWA International Champ Randy Savage pinned Austin Idol (13:13).

  6. Southern Tag Champs Tommy Rich & Eddie Gilbert beat The Zambuie Express via DQ.

  7. Rick Rude pinned Dutch Mantel.

  8. Southern Champ Lord Humongous beat Mid-America Champ Jerry Lawler (8:40) via DQ.

  9. Jerry Lawler & Eddie Marlin beat Ox Baker & Jimmy Hart. Tommy Marlin was the referee.
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May 14, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 5,600
  1. The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) beat Brickhouse Brown & Ric McCord.

  2. The Zambuie Express beat Scott Shannon & Bugsy McGraw.

  3. Jim Niedhart beat Porkchop Cash.

  4. Dutch Mantel beat Rick Rude.

  5. Jimmy Hart beat Tommy Marlin in a "loser leaves town" match.

  6. Austin Idol beat Randy Savage via submission to win the CWA International Title.

  7. Koko Ware & Norvell Austin beat Eddie Gilbert & Tommy Rich via DQ in a "falls count anywhere" match.

  8. Jerry Lawler & The Junkyard Dog beat Ox Baker & Lord Humongous.
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May 21, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 4,416
  1. Johnny Wilhoit & Mark Batten beat Ron Slinker & Porkchop Cash.

  2. Jim Niedhart beat Bugsy McGraw.

  3. The Zambuie Express beat Ric McCord & Jim Jamieson.

  4. Koko Ware & Norvell Austin beat Tommy Rich & Eddie Gilbert.

  5. Randy Savage beat Scott Shannon.

  6. The Junkyard Dog pinned Butch Reed.

  7. Dutch Mantel & Evelyn Stevens beat Rick Rude & Angel.

  8. Jerry Lawler beat Lord Humongous to win the Southern Title.
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May 28, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 4,500
  1. The Spoiler beat Ric McCord.

  2. Scott Shannon beat Porkchop Cash.

  3. Rick Rude beat Dutch Mantel in a "no DQ" match.

  4. Southern Tag Champs Tommy Rich & Eddie Gilbert beat Koko Ware & Norvell Austin.

  5. Johnny Wilhoit & Mark Batten beat Randy Savage & Angelo Poffo.

  6. Jim Niedhart beat Austin Idol.

  7. Southern Champ Jerry Lawler beat King Kong Bundy.
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June 4, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing ???
  1. Rick Rude beat Ric McCord.

  2. Johnny Wilhoit & Mark Batten beat The Nightmare #1 & Porkchop Cash.

  3. Dutch Mantel & Scott Shannon drew Koko Ware & Norvell Austin.

  4. Phil Hickerson & The Spoiler beat Tommy Rich & Eddie Gilbert via DQ.

  5. Jim Niedhart beat Austin Idol via DQ.

  6. Southern Champ Jerry Lawler beat Kimala (17:38) via countout.
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June 11, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing ???
  1. The Animal beat Ric McCord.

  2. Scott Shannon beat Masao Ito via DQ.

  3. Koko Ware & Norvell Austin beat Johnny Wilhoit & Mark Batten.

  4. Dutch Mantel beat Porkchop Cash.

  5. Austin Idol NC Jim Niedhart in a "no DQ" match.

  6. Tommy Rich & Eddie Gilbert beat The Spoiler & Phil Hickerson.

  7. Rick Rude beat Jerry Lawler to win the Southern Title.
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June 18, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 5,987
  1. Porkchop Cash pinned Ric McCord.

  2. Dutch Mantel pinned The Animal.

  3. Lanny Poffo & Randy Savage beat Johnny Wilhoit & Mark Batten.

  4. Jim Niedhart pinned Scott Shannon.

  5. CWA International Champ Masao Ito pinned Austin Idol.

  6. Phil Hickerson & The Spoiler (Frank Morrell) beat Tommy Rich & Eddie Gilbert to win the Southern Tag Title.

  7. The Fabulous Ones & Jerry Lawler beat Rick Rude, Koko Ware, & Norvell Austin.
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Star Wars '84
June 25, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 10,032
  1. Porkchop Cash & Scott Shannon beat The Scorpions.

  2. Dutch Mantel, Johnny Wilhoit, & Mark Batten beat Masao Ito, The Nightmare, & Keith Robertson.

  3. The Animal pinned Ric McCord.

  4. Jim Niedhart pinned Giant Frazier.

  5. The Rock-n-Roll Express beat Lanny Poffo & Randy Savage (9:00) via DQ.

  6. Jimmy Valiant beat Southern Tag Champs Rick Rude via DQ.

  7. Tommy Rich & Eddie Gilbert beat The Spoiler & Phil Hickerson in a "Tennessee street fight" match when Gilbert pinned Hickerson.

  8. The Fabulous Ones beat Koko Ware & Norvell Austin.

  9. Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol beat National Tag Champs The Road Warriors (20:40) via DQ.
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July 2, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 6,749
  1. Ron Sexton beat The Nightmare via DQ.

  2. The Animal beat Tony Torres.

  3. Jim Niedhart beat Johnny King.

  4. Johnny Wilhoit & Mark Batten drew Ken Timbs & Dusty Wolfe.

  5. Dutch Mantel & Porkchop Cash beat Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo.

  6. Southern Tag Champs Phil Hickerson & The Spoiler beat Tommy Rich & Eddie Gilbert.

  7. CWA International Champ Masao Ito beat Austin Idol.

  8. Jerry Lawler beat Southern Champ Rick Rude via DQ.

  9. Jerry Lawler won a "two-ring battle royal" (7:57). Also in the match were Johnny Wilhoit, Randy Savage, Dutch Mantel, Dusty Wolfe, Keith Robertson, Mark Batten, Ron Sexton, Jim Niedhart, Lanny Poffo, Tommy Rich, Eddie Gilbert, The Animal, Rick Rude, Masao Ito, Porkchop Cash, Johnny King, The Spoiler, The Nightmare, Phil Hickerson, Ken Timbs, and Tony Torres.
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July 9, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 5,831
  1. Eddie Gilbert & Ron Mikolajczyk beat Ken Timbs & Dusty Wolfe.

  2. Mark Batten & Johnny Wilhoit beat The Nightmares via DQ.

  3. Southern Tag Champs Phil Hickerson & The Spoiler NC Dutch Mantel & Porkchop Cash. As a result, the title was held-up.

  4. Tommy Rich beat Masao Ito to win the CWA International Title.

  5. King Kong Bundy beat Johnny King & Tony Torres in a "handicap" match.

  6. Randy Savage & Larry Poffo DDQ The Rock-n-Roll Express (13:06).

  7. Jerry Lawler & The Fabulous Ones beat Rick Rude, Jim Niedhart, The Animal, Jimmy Hart, & Angel in a "handicap" match.
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July 16, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 6,813
  1. Jim Niedhart beat Ron Sexton.

  2. The Nightmares beat Tony Torres & Johnny King.

  3. Eddie Gilbert & Ron Mikolajczyk beat Masao Ito & The Animal.

  4. Tojo Yamamoto & Johnny Wilhoit beat Ken Timbs & Buddy Wolfe.

  5. Phil Hickerson & The Spoiler beat Dutch Mantel & Porkchop Cash to win the held-up Southern Tag Title.

  6. Jerry Lawler & Ron Mikolajczyk NC Rick Rude & Jim Niedhart.

  7. Masao Ito & The Animal beat Tojo Yamamoto & Johnny Wilhoit.

  8. The Rock-n-Roll Express beat Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo (13:06) via DQ.

  9. King Kong Bundy pinned Jerry Lawler (6:47).

  10. CWA International Champ Tommy Rich pinned Rick Rude (11:46) to win the Southern Title.
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July 23, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 8,493
  1. Ken Timbs & Dusty Wolfe beat Johnny King & Tony Torres.

  2. The Nightmares beat Porkchop Cash & Ron Sexton.

  3. Debbie Combs beat Donna Day.

  4. Southern Tag Champs Phil Hickerson & The Spoiler beat Dutch Mantel & Eddie Gilbert.

  5. Tojo Yamamoto & Johnny Wilhoit beat Masao Ito & The Animal.

  6. Ron Mikolajczyk beat Jim Niedhart via DQ.

  7. Southern Champ Tommy Rich NC King Kong Bundy.

  8. The Fabulous Ones NC The Road Warriors.

  9. The Rock-n-Roll Express beat Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo in a "no DQ" match.

  10. Rick Rude beat Jerry Lawler via DQ in a "loser receives ten lashes" match.
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July 30, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing ???
  1. Eddie Gilbert beta Nightmare #2.

  2. Dutch Mantel beat Nightmare #1.

  3. Masao Ito & The Animal beat Johnny Wilhoit & Mark Batten.

  4. The Rock-n-Roll Express beat Lanny Poffo & The Purple Mania.

  5. Ron Mikolajcyzk beat Jim Neidhart in a "football helmet on a pole" match.

  6. King Kong Bundy pinned Tommy Rich (10:21) to win the Southern Title. Eddie Gilbert was the special referee.

  7. The Fabulous Ones beat Phil Hickerson & The Spoiler via DQ.

  8. Jerry Lawler beat Rick Rude in a "strap on a pole" match.
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August 6, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 9,677
  1. Phil Hickerson & The Spoiler beat The Rock-n-Roll Express (13:00) via DQ.

  2. Masao Ito & The Animal beat Johnny Wilhoit & Mark Batten (6:30) when Ito pinned Batten.

  3. Jimmy Valiant & Jerry Lawler beat Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo when Valiant pinned Poffo.

  4. Bill Dundee & Dutch Mantel beat The Nightmares when Mantel made the pin.

  5. Jerry Lawler & Jimmy Valiant beat Masao Ito & The Animal (3:20) when Valiant pinned Hickerson.

  6. Rick Rude & King Kong Bundy beat Tommy Rich & Jackie Fargo (4:56) when Bundy pinned Rich.

  7. Jerry Lawler & Jimmy Valiant beat Phil Hickerson & The Spoiler (8:24) when Valiant pinned Hickerson.

  8. Rick Rude & King Kong Bundy beat Bill Dundee & Dutch Mantel (15:00) when Rude pinned Mantel.

  9. Jerry Lawler & Jimmy Valiant beat Rick Rude & King Kong Bundy (17:11) to win the tournament when Valiant pinned Rude.
Note: The winners of the tournament were to win $10,000 and a trip to Japan and be entered in a tag team tournament for All Japan Pro Wrestling. There are no records of Lawler & Valiant being in such a tournament, but they did wrestle there as a team in 1985 and 1986.

Tag Tournament Bracketing

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August 13, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 9,018
  1. Dutch Mantel beat Keith Roberson.

  2. Tojo Yamamoto beat Masao Ito.

  3. The Nightmares drew Johnny Wilhoit & Mark Batten.

  4. The Rock-n-Roll Express beat Phil Hickerson & The Spoiler to win the Southern Tag Title.

  5. Rick Rude beat Jerry Lawler via DQ.

  6. Tommy Rich DCO Eddie Gilbert.

  7. Steve Keirn & Jackie Fargo beat Nightmare #1 & King Kong Bundy.
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August 20, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 7,096
  1. The Animal pinned Ron Sexton.

  2. Mark Ragin pinned Masao Ito.

  3. Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo beat Johnny Wilhoit & Mark Batten when Savage pinned Wilhoit.

  4. Steve Keirn & Jackie Fargo beat King Kong Bundy & Kurt Von Hess.

  5. The Nightmares beat The Rock-n-Roll Express to win the Southern Tag Title.

  6. Dutch Mantel beat The Spoiler via DQ.

  7. Mid-America Champ Jerry Lawler beat Rick Rude via DQ.

  8. CWA International Champ Tommy Rich DCO Eddie Gilbert.
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August 27, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 9,950
  1. Johnny Wilhoit & Mark Batten beat Masao Ito & Kurt Von Hess when Wilhoit pinned Ito.

  2. The Rock-n-Roll Express beat Southern Tag Champs The Nightmares via DQ.

  3. Southern Champ King Kong Bundy beat Dutch Mantel.

  4. Jackie Fargo beat Jimmy Hart via DQ.

  5. Eddie Gilbert beat Tommy Rich to win the CWA International Title.

  6. Jerry Lawler beat Rick Rude in a "steel cage" match.

  7. The Fabulous Ones & Tony Atlas beat Paul Ellering & The Road Warriors via DQ.
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September 3, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 6,775
  1. Masao Ito beat Tojo Yamamoto.

  2. Dutch Mantel beat Kurt Von Hess.

  3. Tommy Rich beat Eddie Gilbert.

  4. Rick Rude pinned Randy Savage (10:15).

  5. Jimmy Valiant beat Lanny Poffo.

  6. King Kong Bundy beat Jerry Lawler.

  7. Masao Ito beat Dutch Mantel.

  8. Jimmy Valiant beat Rick Rude.

  9. King Kong Bundy beat Tommy Rich.

  10. Jimmy Valiant beat Masao Ito.

  11. Jimmy Valiant beat King Kong Bundy to win a tournament for a new Cadillac.
Cadillac Tournament Bracketing

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September 10, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 6,448
  1. Dutch Mantel drew Mark Ragin.

  2. The Dirty White Boys (Tony Anthony & Len Denton) beat Johnny Wilhoit & Mark Batten.

  3. Tojo Yamamoto beat Kurt Von Hess via DQ.

  4. Southern Tag Champs The Nightmares beat The Rock-n-Roll Express.

  5. CWA International Champ Eddie Gilbert beat Tommy Rich.

  6. King Kong Bundy & Rick Rude beat Jerry Lawler & Randy Savage via DQ.
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September 17, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 6,900
  1. Mark Ragin beat Keith Robertson.

  2. Kurt Von Hess beat Ken Raper.

  3. Johnny Wilhoit & Mark Batten beat Angelo Poffo & Lanny Poffo.

  4. Dutch Mantel beat Eddie Gilbert to win the CWA International Title.

  5. The Nightmares beat The Rock-n-Roll Express in a "no DQ masks vs. loser leaves town" match.

  6. Tojo Yamamoto & Tommy Rich beat The Dirty White Boys via DQ.

  7. Rick Rude & King Kong Bundy beat Jerry Lawler & Randy Savage (8:50) in a "no DQ" match when Rude pinned Savage.
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No Show Scheduled: September 24, 1984
Due to the Mid-South Fair being held at the coliseum.
However, there was a show September 23 at Cook Convention Center.

October 1, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 4,632
  1. Mark Batten beat The Snowman.

  2. Kurt Von Hess beat Johnny Wilhoit.

  3. The Dirty White Boys beat Rufus Jones & Mark Ragin.

  4. Southern Tag Champs Tommy Rich & Dutch Mantel beat The Nightmares.

  5. CWA International Champ Eddie Gilbert beat Lanny Poffo.

  6. Jerry Lawler, Randy Savage, & Jimmy Valiant beat King Kong Bundy, Rick Rude, & Jimmy Hart.
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October 8, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing ???
  1. The Dirty White Boys beat Johnny Wilhoit & Mark Batten.

  2. Mark Ragin & Rufus Jones beat Kurt Von Hess & Eddie Gilbert.

  3. King Kong Bundy & Rick Rude drew Randy Savage & Jimmy Valiant, but advanced in the tournament by winning a coin flip.

  4. The Fabulous Ones beat The Nightmares.

  5. King Kong Bundy & Rick Rude beat Rufus Jones & Mark Ragin.

  6. The Fabulous Ones beat The Dirty White Boys when Lane pinned Anthony.

  7. Tommy Rich beat Dutch Mantel.

  8. Rick Rude & King Kong Bundy beat The Fabulous Ones via DQ to win the vacant Southern Tag Title.
Southern Tag Title Tournament Bracketing

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October 15, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 4,407
  1. Rufus Jones & Mark Ragin beat The Nightmares.

  2. Phil Hickerson & Kurt Von Hess beat Tojo Yamamoto & Dutch Mantel.

  3. CWA International Champ Eddie Gilbert beat Lanny Poffo.

  4. Jerry Lawler, Jimmy Valiant, & Randy Savage beat The Dirty White Boys & Phil Hickerson.

  5. AWA Tag Champs The Road Warriors beat Rick Rude & King Kong Bundy when Bundy was pinned.

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October 22, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing ???
  1. The Nightmares beat Tracy Smothers & Johnny King.

  2. Rufus R. Jones beat Dr. Detroit.

  3. Phil Hickerson beat Tojo Yamamoto.

  4. Tommy Rich beat Kurt Von Hess.

  5. Lanny Poffo beat CWA International Champ Eddie Gilbert via DQ.

  6. Jerry Lawler & Randy Savage beat The Dirty White Boys via reverse decision.

  7. The Fabulous Ones beat Rick Rude & King Kong Bundy in a "no DQ hair vs. title" match to win the Southern Tag Title.
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October 29, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing ???
  1. Phil Hickerson beat Johnny King.

  2. Tommy Rich beat Dr. Detroit.

  3. Kortsia Korchenko beat Rufus R. Jones.

  4. Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo beat Eddie & Tommy Gilbert via DQ.

  5. Jerry Lawler & Jimmy Valiant beat The Dirty White Boys in a "no DQ" match.

  6. Rick Rude beat King Kong Bundy via DQ.
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November 5, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing ???
  1. Mark Batten beat The Invader.

  2. Johnny King bat Ken Raper.

  3. Kortsia Korchenko beat Jerry Bryant & Ken Raper in a "handicap" match.

  4. Randy Savage beat Phil Hickerson via DQ.

  5. Tojo Yamamoto beat Dr. Detroit via DQ.

  6. Tommy & Eddie Gilbert beat Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo when Gilbert pinned Savage.

  7. The Dirty White Boys & King Kong Bundy beat Jerry Lawler, Jimmy Valiant, & Rick Rude (11:27) when Bundy pinned Rude.
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November 12, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 8,493
  1. Jerry Bryant & Johnny King beat Pat Hutchinson & The Invader.

  2. Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo beat Eddie & Tommy Gilbert in a "coalminer’s glove" match.

  3. Phil Hickerson beat National Champ Ronnie Garvin via DQ.

  4. Rick Rude & Jimmy Valiant beat The Dirty White Boys in a "New York street fight" match.

  5. Jerry Lawler beat King Kong Bundy in a "no DQ hair vs. title" match to win the Southern Title. Rick Rude was the referee.
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November 19, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing ???
  1. Jason beat The Italian Stallion.

  2. Tommy Gilbert beat Lanny Poffo.

  3. National Champ Ronnie Garvin bat Phil Hickerson.

  4. Angel beat Jimmy Hart (2:00).

  5. Mike Sharpe beat Southern Champ Jerry Lawler via DQ.

  6. The Dirty White Boys beat Jimmy Valiant & Rick Rude in a "loser tarred and feathered" match.

  7. Kortsia Korchenko beat Jacques Rougeau to win the Mid-America Title.

  8. CWA International Champ Eddie Gilbert beat Randy Savage (10:11).
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November 27, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing ???
  1. The Dirty White Boys beat Tojo Yamamoto & Jerry Bryant.

  2. Steve Constant & Tim Ashley beat The Nightmares.

  3. Tommy Rich beat Phil Hickerson.

  4. Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo beat Tommy & Eddie Gilbert in a "loser's nightmare' match when Savage pinned Tommy who had to leave town. If Savage had lost he would have had to wear a dress for 30 days, if Poffo had he would have give up his new car, and if Eddie had lost he would have lost the Mid-America Title.

  5. King Kong Bundy beat Rick Rude.

  6. Mike Sharpe beat Jimmy Valiant via DQ.

  7. Southern Champ Jerry Lawler beat Kortsia Korchenko.

  8. Jerry Lawler won an "elimination" match to win a mink coat.
Note: This was a Tuesday show.

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December 3, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing ???
  1. Tim Ashley beat The Invader.

  2. Jimmy Valiant beat Plowboy Frazier.

  3. Tim Ashley & Steve Constance beat The Dirty White Boys via DQ.

  4. Mike Sharpe pinned Tojo Yamamoto.

  5. National Tag Champs Bill & Scott Irwin beat Randy Savage & Lanny Poffo.

  6. The Interns beat The Fabulous Ones to win the Southern Tag Title.

  7. Rick Rude beat King Kong Bundy in a "no DQ loser leaves town" match. Jerry Lawler was the referee

  8. Southern Champ Jerry Lawler beat Bob Roop via DQ.
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December 10, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing ???
  1. Mark & Brad Batten beat The Nightmares.

  2. Mike Sharpe beat Lanny Poffo.

  3. Randy Savage beat CWA International Champ Eddie Gilbert via DQ.

  4. The Terminators beat Jerry Bryant & Johnny King.

  5. National Tag Champs Bill & Scott Irwin beat Tommy Rich & Jimmy Valiant.

  6. The Interns beat Tim Ashley & Randy Savage.

  7. Jerry Lawler beat Rick Rude via DQ.
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December 17, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 2,000
  1. The Terminators beat Mark & Brad Batten.

  2. The Nightmares beat Tim Ashley & Steve Constance.

  3. Tojo Yamamoto drew Tony Anthony.

  4. Len Denton beat Johnny King.

  5. CWA International Champ Eddie Gilbert beat Johnny Wilhoit.

  6. Mid-America Champ Mike Sharpe beat Lanny Poffo.

  7. Jimmy Valiant, Jerry Lawler, & Randy Savage beat The Interns & Plowboy Frazier via DQ.
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December 28, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing ???
  1. Lanny Poffo beat The Spoiler.

  2. Candi Divine pinned Amy Monroe.

  3. Plowboy Frazier pinned Tojo Yamamoto.

  4. Ken Wayne & Danny Davis beat Tim Ashley & Steve Constance.

  5. The Dirty White Boys beat The Interns.

  6. Mid-America Champ Mike Sharpe NC Jimmy Valiant.

  7. Terry Taylor pinned Eddie Gilbert to win the CWA International Title.

  8. Southern Champ Jerry Lawler beat Adrian Street (12:44) via DQ.
Note: This was a Friday show.

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December 31, 1984 in Memphis, TN
Mid-South Coliseum drawing 9,000
  1. Tojo Yamamoto beat Jerry Bryant via countout.

  2. Mark & Brad Batten beat Stan Frazier in a "handicap" match.

  3. The Interns beat The Dirty White Boys.

  4. Ken Wayne & Danny Davis beat Tim Ashley & Steve Constance in a "loser leaves town" match.

  5. Adrian Street pinned Johnny Wilhoit.

  6. Mike Sharpe (with ???) beat Jimmy Valiant (with Jerry Lawler) in a "coward waves the flag" match.

  7. Jerry Lawler NC Eddie Gilbert (26:46).
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