AWF Title
Tournament 1994
AWF Tag Title
Tournament 1995

AWF Title Tournament 1994

??? - November 29, 1994

Tito Santana_________
Hercules Hernandez___|            |
Curtis Hughes________             |          |
                     |Hughes______|          |
Superfly (Tonga Kid)_|                       |
Tommy Rich___________                        |         |
                     |Rich________           |         |
Tony Atlas___________|            |          |         |
                                  |Rich______|         |
Sgt. Slaughter_______             |                    |
                     |Slaughter___|                    |
Ultimate Destroyer___|                                 |
Chris Adams__________                                  |
                     |Adams_______                     |
The Warlord__________|            |                    |
                                  |Adams_____          |
Greg Valentine_______             |          |         |
                     |Valentine___|          |         |
Jim Powers___________|                       |         |
Koko B. Ware_________                        |
                     |Ware________           |
Nailz________________|            |          |
Johnny Gunn__________             |
Bob Orton, Jr._______|

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AWF Tag Title Tournament 1995

??? - May 21, 1995

                            Fidel Sierra & Ron Powers__
Koko B. Ware & Tony Atlas__________                    |Ware & Atlas______
                                   |Ware & Atlas_______|                  |
The Super Destroyers_______________|                                      |
Chris Adams & Konnan 2000__________                                       |Ware & Atlas______
                                   |Adams & Konnan_____                   |                  |
The Samoan Swat Team_______________|                   |                  |                  |
                                                       |???_______________|                  |
                              Nailz & The Executioner__|                                     |
                          Tommy Rich & Greg Valentine__                                      |Rich & Valentine__
                                                       |                                     |
Hercules Hernandez & Curtis Hughes_                    |Rich & Valentine__                   |
                                   |DDQ________________|                  |                  |
Jeff Gaylord & The Warlord_________|                                      |                  |
                                                                          |                  |
Johnny Gunn & Jim Powers___________                                       |Rich & Valentine__|
                                   |Gunn & Powers______                   |
The Texas Hangmen__________________|                   |                  |
                            Tom Zenk & Charlie Norris__|
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