June 7, 2006 in Fairborn, OH
Nutter Center drawing 4,700 ($150,000)
Shown live on USA (3.05)
- WWE I-C Champ Shelton Benjamin pinned Carlito.
- Matt Hardy pinned Joe Bolen.
- Jimmy Yang pinned Tatanka.
- Rob Van Dam (ECW) pinned Rey Mysterio (WWE) (10:42).
- Mickie James (WWE) pinned Jazz (ECW) (2:00).
- The Big Show (ECW, switched from WWE during the match) won a "battle royal" (13:55). Also in the match were: Kurt Angle (ECW), Shelton Benjamin (WWE), Carlito (WWE), Justin Credible (ECW), Tommy Dreamer (ECW), Edge (WWE), Fit Finlay (WWE), Terry Funk (ECW), Matt Hardy (WWE), Mark Henry (WWE), Bobby Lashley (WWE), Little Guido (ECW), Balls Mahoney (ECW), Tony Mamaluke (ECW), Randy Orton (WWE), Sabu (ECW), Sandman (ECW), Al Snow (ECW), and Tatanka (WWE).
- Edge (WWE) pinned Tommy Dreamer (ECW) (6:46) in an "extreme rules" match.
- John Cena beat Sabu (ECW) (6:04) via DQ.
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One Night Stand 2006
June 11, 2006 in New York City, NY
Hammerstein Ballroom drawing 2,460 ($350,000)
Shown live on PPV
- Tazz TKO Jerry Lawler (0:35).
- Kurt Angle beat Randy Orton (15:07) via submission.
- Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke beat Yoshihiro Tajiri & Super Crazy (12:24) when Guido pinned Tajiri.
- World Champ Rey Mysterio DKO Sabu (9:10).
- Edge, Mick Foley, & Lita beat Terry Funk, Tommy Dreamer, & Beulah McGillicutty (18.45) when Edge pinned McGillicutty.
- Balls Mahoney pinned Masato Tanaka (5:03).
- Rob Van Dam pinned John Cena (20:41) to win the WWE Title. Van Dam was also awarded the ECW World Title for winning this match.
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Sci-Fi Channel Taping #1
June 13, 2006 in Trenton, NJ
Sovereign Bank Arena drawing 5,100
Shown on tape delay on Sci-Fi Channel (2.79)
- Sandman pinned The Zombie (Tim Arson) (0:19).
- Kurt Angle beat Justin Credible (1:45) via submission.
- Sabu won an "extreme battle royal." Also in the match were: Big Guido, The Big Show, Danny Doring, Tommy Dreamer, Little Guido, Balls Mahoney, Tony Mamaluke, Steven Richards, Roadkill, and Al Snow.
Note: This event was also a Smackdown taping and had several dark matches.
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Sci-Fi Channel Taping #2
June 20, 2006 in Albany, NY
Pepsi Arena drawing ???
Shown live on Sci-Fi Channel (2.30)
- Sabu beat Tony Mamaluke (3:32) via submission.
- The Big Show destroyed Tommy Dreamer in a non-match.
- Sandman pinned Macho Libre (Tony DeVito) (0:23).
- Rob Van Dam & Kurt Angle beat Edge & Randy Orton (15:12) when Van Dam pinned Edge.
Note: This event was also a Smackdown taping and had several dark matches.
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June 24, 2006 in Philadelphia, PA
ECW Arena drawing 1,100
- Tony Mamaluke & Little Guido beat Danny Doring & Roadkill when Mamaluke pinned Guido.
- CM Punk beat Stevie Richards via submission.
- Francine beat Trinity and Kelly Kelly in a "bikini contest."
- Mike Knox pinned Balls Mahoney.
- Sabu beat CW Anderson via submission.
- Sandman pinned Justin Credible.
- The Big Show pinned Tommy Dreamer.
- ECW Champ Rob Van Dam pinned Kurt Angle. Dena Malenko was the referee.
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Sci-Fi Channel Taping #3
June 27, 2006 in Roanoke, VA
Civic Center drawing 4,000
Shown live on Sci-Fi Channel (2.21)
- Sabu beat Roadkill (4:00) via submission in an "extreme rules" match.
- The Big Show destroyed Tommy Dreamer in a non-match.
- Mike Knox pinned Danny Doring (1:53).
- Sandman destroyed a "short, fat, pale stripper" (Christopher DeJosephs) in a non-match.
- ECW Champ Rob Van Dam pinned Kurt Angle (17:12).
Note: This event was also a Smackdown taping and had several dark matches.
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