07/14/92 07/15/92 08/12/92 08/22/92 09/12/92 09/30/92

July 14, 1992 in Philadelphia, PA
Original Sports Bar drawing 275
  1. Mr. Perez pinned Jimmy Jannetty.

  2. Scott Summers & King Kaluha beat JT Smith & Hurricane Curry.

  3. The Samoan Warrior beat Jack Hammer via DQ.

  4. Salvatore Bellomo DDQ Tony Stetson.

  5. ECW Tag Champs The Super Destroyers beat Max Thrasher & Glenn Osbourne.

  6. Tommy Cairo pinned Damian Stone.

  7. Vladimir Markoff & The Super Ninja beat Chris Michaels & Nikolai Volkoff.

  8. Mr. Sandman pinned Larry Winters.

  9. Jimmy Snuka pinned Johnny Hotbody to win the ECW Title.
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July 15, 1992 in Philadelphia, PA
Chestnut Cabaret drawing ???
  1. Hurricane Curry pinned The Anchor.

  2. Larry Winters & Johnny Hotbody won a "battle royal."

  3. Nikolai Volkoff pinned Vladimir Markoff.

  4. Tommy Cairo pinned Damian Knight.

  5. JT Smith pinned King Kaluha.

  6. The Super Ninja & Scott Sommers beat Max Thrasher & Glenn Osbourne.

  7. Salvatore Bellomo pinned Tony Stetson in a "falls count anywhere" match.

  8. Johnny Hotbody DDQ Larry Winters.

  9. ECW Champ Jimmy Snuka pinned Mr. Sandman.
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August 12, 1992 in Philadelphia, PA
Chestnut Cabaret drawing 200
  1. The Super Ninja pinned Jeff Royal (5:19).

  2. Mr. Sandman DCO Tommy Cairo (8:47).

  3. Jimmy Jannetty & Gino Caruso beat Damian Stone & John Rock (9:35) when Jannetty pinned Rock.

  4. The Hell Riders beat Max Thrasher & Glenn Osbourne (9:24) when Osbourne was pinned.

  5. JT Smith & Soul Train Phillips beat Mr. Anthony & Mr. Perez (13:10).

  6. Johnny Hotbody pinned Larry Winters to become the first ECW TV Champ.

  7. ECW Champ Jimmy Snuka beat Super Destroyer #1 (13:36) via DQ.

  8. Tony Stetson NC Salvatore Bellomo (11:00) in a "lumberjack" match.
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August 22, 1992 in Philadelphia, PA
The Aztec Club drawing ???
  1. Damian Stone beat Tommy Cairo via countout.

  2. King Kaluha won a "battle royal."

  3. ECW Tag Champs The Super Destroyers beat EZ Ryder & The Super Ninja.

  4. JT Smith pinned Mr. Sandman.

  5. Larry Winters & Jimmy Jannetty beat Mr. Perez & John Rock.

  6. ECW Champ Jimmy Snuka beat King Kaluha.

  7. Glenn Osbourne beat Max Thrasher via DQ.

  8. Tony Stetson pinned Salvatore Bellomo in a "loser leaves town" match.
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September 12, 1992 in Philadelphia, PA
The Aztec Club drawing ???
  1. ECW Champ Jimmy Snuka pinned Super Destroyer I in a "falls count anywhere" match.

  2. Fatu beat The Anchor and Mr. X in a "handicap" match.

  3. The Cream Team beat The Hell Riders.

  4. Rasta the Voodoo Mon DCO Super Destroyer II.

  5. The Samoan Warrior beat Tony Stetson.

  6. JT Smith beat Mr. Sandman.

  7. Glenn Osbourne beat Max Thrasher via DQ.

  8. Larry Winters & Jimmy Jannetty beat King Kaluha & Scott Sommers.

  9. Tommy Cairo pinned Damian Stone.
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September 30, 1992 in Philadelphia, PA
Chestnut Cabaret drawing 220
  1. Mr. Sandman and Glenn Osbourne won a "battle royal."

  2. Super Destroyer I DCO Super Destroyer II.

  3. Max Thrasher pinned Kodiak Bear.

  4. Tony Stetson beat The Anchor.

  5. Tommy Cairo DDQ JT Smith.

  6. EZ Ryder DDQ HD Ryder.

  7. Mr. X (The Rockin' Rebel) beat Jimmy Jannetty via countout.

  8. Terry Taylor beat Larry Winters.

  9. Glenn Osbourne pinned Mr. Sandman to win the vacant ECW TV Title.

  10. Don Muraco pinned Jimmy Snuka to win the ECW Title.
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