July 14, 1992 in Philadelphia, PA
Original Sports Bar drawing 275
- Mr. Perez pinned Jimmy Jannetty.
- Scott Summers & King Kaluha beat JT Smith & Hurricane Curry.
- The Samoan Warrior beat Jack Hammer via DQ.
- Salvatore Bellomo DDQ Tony Stetson.
- ECW Tag Champs The Super Destroyers beat Max Thrasher & Glenn Osbourne.
- Tommy Cairo pinned Damian Stone.
- Vladimir Markoff & The Super Ninja beat Chris Michaels & Nikolai Volkoff.
- Mr. Sandman pinned Larry Winters.
- Jimmy Snuka pinned Johnny Hotbody to win the ECW Title.
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July 15, 1992 in Philadelphia, PA
Chestnut Cabaret drawing ???
- Hurricane Curry pinned The Anchor.
- Larry Winters & Johnny Hotbody won a "battle royal."
- Nikolai Volkoff pinned Vladimir Markoff.
- Tommy Cairo pinned Damian Knight.
- JT Smith pinned King Kaluha.
- The Super Ninja & Scott Sommers beat Max Thrasher & Glenn Osbourne.
- Salvatore Bellomo pinned Tony Stetson in a "falls count anywhere" match.
- Johnny Hotbody DDQ Larry Winters.
- ECW Champ Jimmy Snuka pinned Mr. Sandman.
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August 12, 1992 in Philadelphia, PA
Chestnut Cabaret drawing 200
- The Super Ninja pinned Jeff Royal (5:19).
- Mr. Sandman DCO Tommy Cairo (8:47).
- Jimmy Jannetty & Gino Caruso beat Damian Stone & John Rock (9:35) when Jannetty pinned Rock.
- The Hell Riders beat Max Thrasher & Glenn Osbourne (9:24) when Osbourne was pinned.
- JT Smith & Soul Train Phillips beat Mr. Anthony & Mr. Perez (13:10).
- Johnny Hotbody pinned Larry Winters to become the first ECW TV Champ.
- ECW Champ Jimmy Snuka beat Super Destroyer #1 (13:36) via DQ.
- Tony Stetson NC Salvatore Bellomo (11:00) in a "lumberjack" match.
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August 22, 1992 in Philadelphia, PA
The Aztec Club drawing ???
- Damian Stone beat Tommy Cairo via countout.
- King Kaluha won a "battle royal."
- ECW Tag Champs The Super Destroyers beat EZ Ryder & The Super Ninja.
- JT Smith pinned Mr. Sandman.
- Larry Winters & Jimmy Jannetty beat Mr. Perez & John Rock.
- ECW Champ Jimmy Snuka beat King Kaluha.
- Glenn Osbourne beat Max Thrasher via DQ.
- Tony Stetson pinned Salvatore Bellomo in a "loser leaves town" match.
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September 12, 1992 in Philadelphia, PA
The Aztec Club drawing ???
- ECW Champ Jimmy Snuka pinned Super Destroyer I in a "falls count anywhere" match.
- Fatu beat The Anchor and Mr. X in a "handicap" match.
- The Cream Team beat The Hell Riders.
- Rasta the Voodoo Mon DCO Super Destroyer II.
- The Samoan Warrior beat Tony Stetson.
- JT Smith beat Mr. Sandman.
- Glenn Osbourne beat Max Thrasher via DQ.
- Larry Winters & Jimmy Jannetty beat King Kaluha & Scott Sommers.
- Tommy Cairo pinned Damian Stone.
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September 30, 1992 in Philadelphia, PA
Chestnut Cabaret drawing 220
- Mr. Sandman and Glenn Osbourne won a "battle royal."
- Super Destroyer I DCO Super Destroyer II.
- Max Thrasher pinned Kodiak Bear.
- Tony Stetson beat The Anchor.
- Tommy Cairo DDQ JT Smith.
- EZ Ryder DDQ HD Ryder.
- Mr. X (The Rockin' Rebel) beat Jimmy Jannetty via countout.
- Terry Taylor beat Larry Winters.
- Glenn Osbourne pinned Mr. Sandman to win the vacant ECW TV Title.
- Don Muraco pinned Jimmy Snuka to win the ECW Title.
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